Chapter 1: The day it all started

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AN: Hey guys! It's me again, B! For those of you who are returning readers, welcome, and those of you who are new to my account nice to meet you! I'm excited to share with you guys this story. It was honestly just one of those that came to me in the middle of the night and I just couldn't shake it off. Just to steer clear of confusion this story is a predominantly Hosie focused story but there will be a lot of mentioning of Posie and Handon as you probably assumed from the story summary. I understand that this isn't everyone's favorite ship so if you're here to just hate on Hosie please don't. I respect all ships and all opinions and I want all my stories to be a positive and safe place for people. The first few chapters may feel like a slow burn because they will be "flashback" chapters but I promise it'll still be good. I hope y'all enjoy and leave a comment if you do!

- B


That night Landon died. He never came back to life. Turns out he wasn't supernatural after all. Hope spent the next few months in isolation and in pain. No one knew how to approach her but only one person never stopped trying. Josie. As time went on Hope started to rely on Josie. Josie became her safe haven when the rest of her world was burning down around her. For months the two spent nights with stolen kisses and talks from behind closed doors. Knowing that Hope was still in a fragile state Josie never asked the big question. What were they? In honesty, Hope couldn't answer that even if she wanted to. All she could think about was the fact that everything hurt and the touch of Josie's lips and her embrace made the pain go away. No matter how short they are Josie cherishes these fleeting moments. That is until she finds out about the merge. How do you tell the girl who's basically lost everything that she could possibly lose more?


Hope walked out of the car with a tear-stained face and anger in her eyes. Shortly behind her followed Rafael carrying Landon's dead body in his arms.

The Saltzman twins had gotten a call from their father to be prepared for a rough night so Lizzie and Josie stood at the front door waiting.

Hope didn't stop to greet either of the twins. Although her eyes did make contact with Josie but only for a second.

Lizzie opened her mouth to say something but Josie quickly grabbed her sister's arm and shook her head gently.

Dr. Saltzman quietly whispered something to Rafael before he escorted MG and Kaleb inside the school.

The twins didn't know what to do. They stood there in silence as they watched Rafael hold his brother's cold body with silent tears rolling down his face.

Soon enough Dr. Saltzman came back out with two shovels in his hands.

"Girls, why don't you go wait in my office. I'll be in shortly."

The twins just silently nodded their heads and made their way inside.

"Rafael, follow me."

The two walked in solemn silence until they reached the waterfront.

"I know this isn't the best burial but it's something." Dr. Saltzman turned around to face Rafael.

"We're just going to dump him in the water?" Anger filled Rafael's voice. A growl escaped his mouth.

"No no no no. This is I guess, our graveyard. Over the past 12 years, we've been careful but there's only so much the blood of a tribrid can heal so this is where we bury the dead."

Rafael started to make sense of the small stones that seemed to be lined up in a crooked line.

"If this is too hard for you Rafael I can do this part." Dr. Saltzman offered.

"No, I'm not leaving Landon." His grip tightened around the body.

"Okay," Is all Dr. Saltzman managed to muster out.

The two spent the next hour shoveling and burying Landon's body.

"Let's go back inside buddy." Dr. Saltzman tried to redirect Rafael.

"I was all he had Dr. Saltzman. I should have protected him."

Finally, Rafael broke down.

Dr. Saltzman's office

"What do we do now?" Lizzie turned to her sister for guidance.

"I don't know. We've been through a lot but this is a first." Josie shook her head.

"Poor Hope. She must be dying inside." Lizzie winced at her own unintended pun.

Just then, their dad walked through the office doors covered in dirt.

"Girls, you're are still up." Dr. Saltzman said in a startled voice.

"You told us to wait in your office," Lizzie responded in a whisper.

"Oh right, yeah." Dr. Saltzman slowly scratched the back of his head.

"What's gonna happen, dad?" Josie asked hesitantly.

"Honestly? I'm not sure. I'm going to talk to Emma and put MG through a psychological program for the next few weeks. I wish I could do the same for Hope but knowing her she's already locked herself in her room by now." Dr. Saltzman let out a sigh.

"Do you think she's going to run away?" Josie asked.

"I'm not sure." Dr. Saltzman responded again.

"I know it's not your job to take care of her but would you girls mind checking up on her once in a while? Bring her some food maybe? I know she'll either forget to come out to eat or starve herself purposefully."

"Of course, dad," Josie said without hesitation.

She then turned to look at her sister.

"Oh yeah, of course." Lizzie quickly responded.

"Thank you. You guys are amazing and I honestly don't know what I would do without you two." Dr. Saltzman let out another sigh but this time of relief.

"We love you dad and we'd do anything for you," Lizzie said with a sad smile.

"Yeah, and Hope has already been through a lot. This time we'll actually make an effort to be there for her." Josie added.

"Thank you. Okay, it's late and you guys should probably go to bed now." Dr. Saltzman tried to assert his father voice but failed.

"We will. Just make sure you get to bed at a reasonable time too dad." Josie said in a concerned voice.

She knew that her dad would be beating himself for all of this.

"Yeah, I will baby. Goodnight the two of you." Dr. Saltzman said with a half-smile.

"Goodnight dad." The twins responded in unison as they left the office.

The walk to their room was quiet.

On the way over they passed Hope's room and heard muffled cries through the door.

The sisters exchanged a pained look knowing tonight wasn't the night to approach Hope.

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