The Audition

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"Wait, really?! Robert, you better not be lying to me or I swear—" Ellyana quickly started, her cheeks turning red. Ellyana was swiftly cut off by Robert laughing. Bria playfully punched Ellyana in the arm, smiling.

"Yes, listen, all you need to do is read over the email Nick sent you. There should be a rubric you need to follow, then take a video of you singing an audition song. The only other thing you would need to do after that is go over some of the lines in the script, which should be attached to the email." Robert said in a calm voice. How he was calm at this point in time puzzled Ellyana, but she didn't question it.

"Rob... I'm not sure..." Bria looked at Ellyana, shocked at the words she just said. Ellyana continued in a somber tone, "I love Starkid shows and I would love to be apart of one, I just... I just don't think I'm cut out for that kind of stuff..." She had always wanted to be apart of Starkid, and always loved acting, but her shyness took over, looming over her like a storm.

"Elly, I understand that you're scared, but I want you to at least audition. It would be a good practice run even if you don't get the part," He paused as Ellyana looked over at Bria. He nodded with an encouraging smile, signaling for Ellyana to do it. Ellyana shook her head, taking a deep breath to speak her answer until, "Promise me that?"

Ellyana froze. Robert never brought promises into things. Not unless he really wanted himself or Ellyana to do something serious. Bria pinched her again, bringing Ellyana back down to earth. Ellyana calmed herself, speaking, "I promise I'll audition... but I know I'm not going to get any parts, so Rob, don't get your hopes up... Promise me that?" Robert takes in a sharp breath, not knowing Ellyana was also going to make him promise something.

"Okay. I promise. Now, I'm gonna go back to sleep... Bye, El." Ellyana said goodbye and hung up the call, dropping the phone as if it were a bomb, and placing a hand on her chest near her heart. Bria smiles, placing a hand on Ellyana's shoulder.

"Looks like you're coming home early, or you're just gonna break a promise," Bria said, shaking Ellyana by her shoulder. Ellyana sighs, picking up her phone and standing up. A wind blew, causing Ellyana to look like a superhero, though she looked afraid of the monster she would face.

"I'll be home at 7." Ellyana spoke, softly. With a nod from Bria being her only answer, Ellyana took off running. Out of the park, past different buildings and shops, until she was back at the diner.

When Ellyana saw the diner she stopped in her tracks. It looked like it was... closed? It couldn't be.

Ellyana checked the time on her watch. 6:02 p.m. The diner closes at 12:00 a.m. On top of that, the parking lot was completely empty aside from Ellyana's, Sora's and Matthew's car. Ellyana approached the small building, and once she reached the door, Ellyana opened it and stepped inside.

Ellyana was engulfed by the darkness inside as the front door shut behind her. No sunlight reached the inside for there looked to be no color in the rooms. Ellyana, her eyes not adapting to the darkness, grabbed at her phone. Once out and in her hand, Ellyana turned on her flashlight, scanning the wall.

"There has to be a light switch around here somewhere..." Ellyana skipped the main seating area and went straight to the kitchen. Scanning the walls of the kitchen, Ellyana soon found the light switch. She lightly flicked it upward, just to find out that they didn't work, "Shit..." Ellyana swore under her breath. She was about to move on to the staff only room, that was until she heard a loud bang and high pitched scream from the girls restroom.

"SORA! AHH!" Ellyana whipped her attention towards that door, hearing Rachel scream. She was about to run over to the restroom, but turned her attention and flashlight towards one of the kitchen cabinets. By this time, Ellyana's eyes adjusted, so she put her phone on the counter and crouched down towards the cabinet. When Ellyana opened it, she saw just the thing she was looking for. A full fire extinguisher sat as the only thing in the cabinet. Ellyana took a deep breath, grabbing it. The cold metal made her shiver. Rachel screamed again. Ellyana shot up.

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