Jealousy: Part Three

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WARNING: very stupid and oblivious Robert (but he makes up for it)

Friday came and thus marked the finale of Jealousy Week. Meaning the worst event of all was about to happen in the coming hours of the day. However, before jumping ahead, we need to take a glance into the past...

Wednesday, 7 p.m., Ellyana and Robert had gotten home about an hour ago. Ellyana was currently in her room, cuddling Lulu while crying softly in her bed. Robert on the other hand was planning something big, or better yet scheming. He was sitting in the living room researching the place that Mariah had told him about during rehearsal. It was a prop store that featured fake jewelry. Robert's plan coincidently revolved around that. Robert finally decided to call the store.

"Hi, I was wondering if I could get a commission done by Friday?" The person on the other line spoke, obviously saying that the company could. "Great! Uh, I need a fake ring to be made for... a short film," Robert quickly fibbed, not wanting to admit his actual plan. Before hanging up, they told Robert to text an image of the ring he wanted made to the company, so they could begin working on it. He did and also filled out other important information. Robert knew they'd be at rehearsal all day, so he knew he couldn't just pick it up, so he would have the company mail it to him. After another 5 minutes, the call finally ended, and Robert went straight to his messages.

Inputting the number to text, Robert quickly searched for the image he was looking for. It was a picture of him holding an open ring box with Ellyana's promise ring sitting inside. Robert smiled softly at the memory of first getting Ellyana's ring, but quickly sent the photo, saying to change the sapphires to emeralds instead. The company agreed and Robert paid, before getting up and walking to his room, to take a shower and go to bed. Now all he had to do was wait.

Now here they were at rehearsal, one completely aware of everything that would happen, and one completely and utterly lost. Everyone was currently practicing La Dee Dah Dah Day, but Ellyana had excused herself, rushing to the restroom. She was having dizzy spells that she could only blame on not eating for 2 days. Ellyana was lying to herself saying that she wasn't hungry, or saying that she was fine, but it was better than losing her appetite, and letting her emotions out. That's what she thought. After a good 10 minutes in the bathroom to calm herself down, Jon knocked softly on the bathroom door.

"Hey, Elly? We're about to go over Inevitable... if you're feeling any better—" Before Jon could finish, Ellyana opened the bathroom door, forcing a small smile. All she did was nod, signifying that she was feeling better, when she most certainly was not. However, she wasn't about to let a bit of dizziness ruin her dream. So out of the bathroom Ellyana went, walking with Jon back to the dance studio. Everything was about to change.

Robert heard the approaching footsteps and quickly glanced over to Mariah, who was already looking worried. She didn't want to hurt Ellyana, in fact she told Robert this whole plan would only make things worse, but he was being stubborn. Now here Ellyana came, walking through the doorway just as Robert and Mariah started talking. Everyone stopped in their tracks when Robert got down on one knee. Jon, whose arm was hooked with Ellyana's, tried to walk forward, but found himself unable to move. The small australian's sapphire eyes widened, not focusing on the worried man trying to get her attention beside her. Ellyana's eyes were glued to Robert and Mariah, watching as Robert pulled a small ring box out from his pocket.

"Mariah Rose Faith, I present you with this promise ring in hopes that we will one day stick together forever..." Robert opened the ring box so Mariah could see the ring. Robert finishes his sentence, "All I can do is hope you accept it?" He asks, smiling brightly. His stomach was aching, he felt guilty after all, but Ellyana would speak up to this. Right? Mariah stood there shocked for a moment before her eyes lit up and she nodded, happily. With this, Robert took the ring out of the box and slipped it onto Mariah's finger. Finally, she held her hand in the air, giving Ellyana the perfect angle to see the ring.

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