Horror Movie Bonding: Part One

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The next day was a full day of non-stop activities. Robert and Ellyana woke up at about 9:30 A.M. to get ready and eat breakfast. The night before, the two has made some waffles, so that's what they were eating now. While waiting for their food to fully go down, Ellyana and Robert cleaned their plates, occasionally throwing bubbles at each other. Of course this caused both of them to be slightly wet.

"Now we have to change," Ellyana complained, making Robert laugh. She looked at him, confused, "What are you laughing at?" The smaller australian got on her tiptoes so she was closer to Robert's taller figure.

"Change into something you can dance in..." Robert placed his hands on Ellyana's sides, picking her up and moving her out of his way. He smiled at her before disappearing into the hallway that lead to his room. Ellyana was still in shock of Robert picking her up.

"I— I'll just listen..." Ellyana was going to say something, but cut herself off, complying. Following after him, Ellyana took his path, except turing into her room instead of Robert's. She had no idea what he had planned for the day, but she sure didn't want to miss it.

As Ellyana was exiting her room, she heard a familiar tune start to play loudly from the living room. Instead of making herself known, Ellyana just peaked around the corner of the hallway, glancing around.

She saw Robert using a T.V. remote to play music and make sure it was working. After letting the song play for a few moments, Robert paused it and turned towards the couch to place it down. Ellyana quickly and quietly hid herself from his gaze, knowing he would have seen her. Looking down at herself, Ellyana began to feel anxious about her outfit.

Robert had gone simple. A short-sleeve John Mulaney, some gray sweatpants, and a pair of black shoes. Ellyana however wore something a bit more "showy." A black cropped tank top that was solid up until the breasts, going into a fishnet over the shoulders. Black leggings were showing her form, yet she had tied a red plaid shirt around her waist, and some black converse.

'Maybe I still have time to change...' Ellyana thought, throwing her hair into a ponytail. Just as she was about to turn to renter her room, she heard Robert's voice from in front of her.

"Good! You're done, I thought you were going to take forever!" Robert exaggerated, pulling Ellyana into the living room. She hadn't even noticed that Robert had moved the coffee table until now when he walked Ellyana into the room. They both sat down on the couch to talk before they started. That's when Robert noticed Ellyana's outfit.

One, it showed off all her assets. Yes, Robert had known Ellyana a long time, but he had never seen her dress like this. Not even during their school rehearsals! Ellyana is known to wear stuff that covers her up, especially baggy clothing. Robert wasn't used to this.

Two, Ellyana's behavior. It wasn't that she was acting strange, but that was the problem. She wasn't acting strange. Ellyana was hoping that Robert wouldn't and didn't notice her outfit. With him not talking about it, this gave Ellyana a bit of a emotion boost. She was acting like herself, but every now and then she would fidget nervously.

And three, she looked really... cute? It was really weird, but when Robert looked at her it was like he had a rush of energy that serged through his body. From his toes to his head. Robert found himself staring at the girl without even realizing it.

"Robert? Wonder-boy? Hello?" Ellyana asked snapping in front of his face. That didn't work, so she shook him by the shoulder. "Rob," He jumped at her touch, causing her to jump slightly. Robert blinked rapidly, avoiding eye contact, "You okay? You were kinda staring at me..." Ellyana said, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Robert nodded quickly, still avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine..." A small pink color painted Robert's cheeks. Ellyana's head tilted in confusion. She quickly noticed the blush and knew he was embarrassed.

"Hey," Ellyana's hand made its way to Robert's cheek, turning his head to face her, "You don't need to be embarrassed for a small mistake, okay? That's what I like about you! You're brave, even when you fail. I've seen it before. Don't let this bring you down," Ellyana smiled brightly at Robert, knowing he thought he made a mistake. At least he was brave... unlike her.

Robert smiled back, pulling Ellyana into a tight hug. "Thank you, Ellyana. I don't know what I would do without you," Ellyana was a bit surprised, but hugged Robert back. She missed this more than she knew. Robert separated the hug and quickly stated, "Now let's get our dance on!"

After singing and dancing for at least 2 hours, Robert and Ellyana both decided to freshen up before they watched a movie. They had both taken showers, or well, one had taken a shower while the other was still in the process of taking a shower.

Robert stood in the kitchen as he made a small tray of snack food. A giant bowl of popcorn, smaller bowls of candy and some drinks. No not like alcohol, at least not yet. Robert brought the tray into the living room and placed it on the coffee table. Smiling, Robert returned to the kitchen to grab his phone.

He knew he remembered what movies Ellyana likes to watch, but then again Robert wasn't sure. Plus, he also wanted the movie to be a surprise. What should he do? Robert could go ask Ellyana, but... a blush spread to his cheeks just thinking about that. So, what should he do? Robert's phone started to ring in his hand, soft banjo music playing.

'Of course! Bria!' Robert thought, answering the phone. Ellyana and Bria had lived together for 12 years, counting college! Robert knew that Bria would be able to help him. "Hey, Bria. What's up?"

"Oh, not that much. Just got word from Luca though. Said he's bring everything of value from the apartment over here! Though that's not why I'm calling. How's the friendo?" Bria asked, laughing slightly at saying the word "friendo." She heard Robert hold in a laugh, sighing it out.

"She's doing great! We decorated her a room, and hung out all today doing things we always used to do. Now we're gonna watch a movie!" Robert explained, not expecting to be cut off by Bria.

"OooOooooOOoo~ What movie?" Bria almost jumped up and down with excitement. She could tell that Ellyana and Robert liked each other! As what we call "more than a friend." Though she didn't think either of them realized it. Plus, Ellyana just had a horrible boyfriend experience. She probably wasn't wanting to go into another relationship right now.

"That leads me to a question. What movies does Ellyana like now?" Robert questioned, not wanting to just ask straight up.

Confused, Bria asked, "Why don't you ask Elly?"

There was silence for a moment before Robert answered, "I- Uh- Ellyana's in the shower right now, and I don't want to disturb her. Also, I kinda want it to be a s-surprise," Robert stuttered out, trying to keep his mind away from thinking about that.

"Okay, fine. Elly really likes..." Bria's voice faded away as she thought about her answer. She could either tell Robert the truth, or lie and tell him something that would make Ellyana, "Horror. She really loves horror movies!" Cling to him.

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