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Ellyana and Robert get into their room, pick their beds and rest. Though something was wrong, or multiple things are wrong.

One, Ellyana still wasn't talking. She wasn't even smiling. Yes she said one word. Just one. And hear she was, laying down on her bed, pretending to sleep so Robert could sleep peacefully. Though this leads to the second wrong.

Two, Robert was going to the restroom. A LOT. He wasn't flushing the toilet every time either, so he couldn't be using the restroom. Every time he went in there, he turned the sink on. He was doing something. Washing his hands. Maybe his face. Who knew.

It was currently 4:33 P.M. Ellyana was sitting up in bed, looking through her phone. Robert was also sitting on his bed, watching T.V. He looked down at his left arm, quickly getting up and going to the restroom. Ellyana looks up, watching him close the door. Confusion paints her face.

22 times. Robert had rushed into the bathroom 22 times since they had gotten to the hotel at 1:26 P.M. This wasn't normal. Ellyana heard the sink turn on once more. She was really starting to get really worried. Standing up, Ellyana walks over to the restroom, knocking on the door. She took a deep breath.

"Robert? Are you okay? You've been running in hear a lot..." Ellyana tried to make it sound like she didn't suspect much, yet she was suspecting many different things. Robert's voice came from inside the restroom.

"N-Nope! I'm fine... just... um..." He was trying to come up with an excuse, but couldn't think of a believable one. Robert finally thought of something, "Washing my hands. You never know what they clean in these hotels!" Ellyana would've believed him if he didn't sound like he was rushing. Starting to get concerned, Ellyana places a hand on the door's knob.

"I know you're lying. Don't make me come in there!" Ellyana threatens, really just wanting to make sure Robert wasn't hurt. Before she could even open the door slightly, Robert opened it, hiding his left arm behind the door.

"I told you I'm fine. I swear," Robert gave Ellyana a fake smile. Ellyana wasn't buying any of this, crossing her arms and tapping her foot. Sighing, Ellyana looks down at him hiding his left arm. Looking back up at him was difficult.

"Let me see your arm." Ellyana commands, knowing something was wrong. Robert looks at her confused, nervously chuckling. He tries to play it off, but loses. Giving in, Robert holds out his left arm.

A small open cut almost like a cat scratch sat on his arm, and it was bleeding a tremendous amount for the size it was. Ellyana's mouth opens as she gasps, pushing Robert into the bathroom and back over to the sink. "Why didn't you tell me?" Ellyana asks, cleaning his wound. She bends down, looking under the sink. She spots a first aid kit and grabs it.

"Because I knew you would get mad at—" Robert was cut off by Ellyana while she applies some gauze on Robert's arm. The reason for this was because the cut was too large for a band aid.

"Who or what did this?" Ellyana tapes the gauze down and pulls Robert's black long sleeve over it, making sure everything was set in place. Looking back up at Robert, she met his eyes. They looked like they didn't want to tell Ellyana anything. "Robert, you can tell me," Ellyana says in a calm voice.

"I know you didn't mean too, so you don't need to apologize, okay?" Ellyana's expression changes to shock. She remembers that she was kicking, punching, and scratching Robert when she was attempting to escape his grasp back at the hospital. Ellyana's body began to shake out of guilt. "Elly?"

She pulls Robert into a hug, crying into him, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! So, so, so, so much!" Robert wraps his arms around her tightly as if he would lose her if he let go. Leaning down, Robert kisses the top of Ellyana's head.

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