The Birthday Gifts

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Bria danced around the apartment, decorating it with streamers, balloons, and a banner. After all that, Bria danced her way into the kitchen, where a speaker stood blaring Starkid songs, even though she wasn't a big fan. Today was a very special day because it was Ellyana's birthday. May 5th, Ellyana was turning 25. And Bria had a very big surprise for her. Bria took her phone out, feeling it buzz. It was a text from Ellyana.

"Bria, I swear you better not be throwing a giant party. I'm not that special."

Bria smiled, responding, "Dude, u know I can't promise anything! Just be prepared!" Bria than exited her and Ellyana's chat, entering a different one. She started to type.

"Did your plane land, yet? I've gotten everything set up here, just need you!" Send. Almost immediately, the person responded.

"Just landed. All I need to do is go through customs and get my luggage. Then I need you to pick me up. That is still okay, right?" It read. Bria smiled, typing her next response.

"Of course. I'll be there in a few." Send. Bria put her phone in her pocket and headed over to the front door. Bria took a glance around the apartment, being quite pleased with her work. Grabbing her car keys, Bria opened the front door, locked it, and headed down to her car.

Opening her car door, Bria jumped in, thinking of the madness that had happened the night before...

"Bria! We need to clean up!" Ellyana yelled at her roommate, exiting her room of the apartment. Bria looked at Ellyana, confusion painted on her face.

"Why? We just cleaned up yesterday," Bria questioned, not really being bothered by her friends abruptness. Ellyana started pacing in the den. Bria watched her from the couch, "Elly, what's going on?" Bria's voice was now filled with concern.

Ellyana stops in front of Bria, turning to her, "Remember when Robert first called me to tell me about the audition four weeks ago? Well he was visiting family in Australia... he's heading back to L.A., and he's visiting!" Ellyana's voice was shaking as she spoke. Bria stood, putting an arm on her shoulder.

"When's he arriving?" Bria asked, but she knew the answer.

"May 10th..." Ellyana said, sadness coating her voice. Bria pulled Ellyana into a tight hug.

"Then I guess we'll have to clean up. Maybe after your birthday? I know you're a little bummed that he won't be here for your birthday, but we'll do anything to make him feel welcome!" Bria separated the hug, smiling at Ellyana.

"Okay, Yeah, let's do that..."

Ellyana's voice faded away as Bria was snapped out of the flashback by her phone buzzing. Quickly, she took it out. One new message.

"I'm waiting outside! Text me when you're here!" Bria quickly texted back.

"Be there in 20. Stay warm!" Send. Bria put the car in drive, and started driving towards the airport.

Robert stood outside of the airport, scrolling through his phone. He didn't really have anything better to do, except occasionally peek up to see if Bria had arrived yet.

Robert was starting to get slightly cold, but it was most likely because he was used to the bright, sunny, and hot days in Australia and L.A. Looking up, Robert noticed a maroon Toyota Highlander entering the pick up area.

As Bria entered the pick up area, she scanned her surroundings, spotting a fairly tall male with dark hair staring down at his phone. Looking around a little more, Bria believed this was Robert. She just had to make sure. Bria spoke, loud enough for her phone to hear, "Hey Siri," Siri chimed awake, "Text Robert 'I'm here.'" Siri responded with, "Okay. Message Sent."

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