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Robert parked in the driveway of his home, turning the car off and exiting it. Ellyana did the same thing, closing the passenger's door behind her. Joining Robert at the back of the car, Ellyana grabbed her bag, stepping aside so Robert could grab his shortly after. Closing the car's trunk, Robert lead Ellyana to the front door, opening it for her.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Robert let Ellyana step into the house before closing the door behind her. Ellyana looks around, smiling. She was standing in a normal sized entrance hall leading to two rooms. A small office and a dining room were connected to either side of the entrance hall. A small doorway in the dining room lead to the kitchen, being closed at the moment. Down the entrance hall opened up into a den, big enough to cartwheel in without even moving the furniture. Near that was the kitchen, and a door to the backyard. Moving down slightly, a small hallway opened up leading to the bedrooms. Robert finished giving Ellyana the tour of the rest of the house before showing her where she would be staying.

According to Robert, it was her room, meaning something. Before opening the door, Robert made Ellyana cover her eyes. Playfully rejecting, Ellyana shook her head, scrunching up her nose. Robert knee she probably wouldn't comply with him so he placed his hands on Ellyana's shoulders and faced her away from the door. Opening the door quickly, Robert put his own hands over Ellyana's eyes, facing her back towards the room. Just taking a few steps into the room almost made them both trip. "Robert, I don't think this is necessary!" Ellyana laughed out, stopping when Robert instructed her so.

"Believe me. I think you'll love this," Robert said, smiling, "Okay... One, two, three! Open!" Robert removes his hands from covering Ellyana's eyes, letting her look around the room. The bed had been stripped of its sheets, leaving only a bearen mattress on the bed frame. The whole room was white. White walls, white curtains, a white carpet in front of the bed. It was as if a snow storm invaded the room. There were somethings that caught Ellyana's eye however. On the white carpet stood many things to decorate the room with. Paint, a box of painting and etc, different colored curtains, bed sheets, basically anything she could think of was in front of her. She smiled, looking over at Robert.

"What's all this for?" Ellyana asked, trying to seem oblivious. Robert only smiled at the girl, walking over to the supplies.

"We're going to decorate your room, so I hope you don't mind getting messy," Robert stated, picking up a paint roller. Ellyana had to hold in her excitement. When she had moved into her apartment with Bria, she barely had enough money to afford anything, the room was very bearen and simple. Here, she could do almost anything. She had the perfect idea.

"Okay. Let's get started!"

Robert and Ellyana were both outside, on the porch of Robert's backyard. Ellyana was busy painting on the white carpet that will stand in front of her bed on the wood floor, while Robert was painting the white bed frame gold. Ellyana and Robert had both agreed on Ellyana's theming. After all, they both loved the movie she was theming it off of.

Robert had just finished painting the bed frame when he checked on Ellyana. The white carpet had almost been turned completely purple, gold stood in the middle forming a sun. Ellyana was on her knees, leaning over the carpet with a paintbrush in her right hand. Every once in a while, she would glance back at her phone, where she had pulled up a reference picture of the design. Robert smiled at her, seeing Ellyana was trying so hard to make it look perfect. After a finishing touch of light purple, Ellyana sat back, placing the paintbrush next to her on the porch. Ellyana stood up to admire it from afar.

"I think I'm done," Ellyana excitedly said, picking up her phone and snapping a picture of the carpet.

Robert joined Ellyana by her side, looking down at the mural, "I didn't know you could paint like this..." he said, speechless.

"Just wait till I paint a mural on my wall," Ellyana spoke, cheekily, "Can you grab the paint cans? I might be able to get one, but I need to grab the brushes as well," Ellyana asked, squatting down to pick up the paintbrushes scattered around her feet. Robert nodded, replying.

"I can get the cans. We got to wait for this stuff to dry anyway, we might as well go paint the walls," Ellyana nodded, skipping inside the home. Robert followed her as soon as he got all the paint cans in hand. This shouldn't take too long.

After painting the walls in Ellyana's room, she got to work on her murals. When you entered the room, the first thing you see is a corner. That corner will be a reading corner/work space. Ellyana peered into one of the boxes holding lamps and such. That's when she saw them. Swiftly, Ellyana kneeled by the box, untangling them from the other things in it. Flower shaped fairy lights. "Robert! Get some nails!"

Robert had already told Ellyana she couldn't use the hammer to nail anything into her walls because he was scared she would hurt herself. "With you, anything could happen..." Robert's voice echoed through Ellyana's mind.

Robert walked into the room, hammer in one hand and a box of nails in the other. Ellyana smiled at him, holding up the fairy lights, "These will go perfectly with my theming," Robert smiled, nodding in agreement. In the corner, Ellyana had painted Rapunzel's hair in its signature braid, so when Ellyana put the flower shaped fairy lights it would look as though they had been placed in Rapunzel's hair.

After Robert nailed the nails into the wall as Ellyana instructed, she placed the wires of the lights on them, making sure that the lights were secure. Ellyana took a step back, looking over her work. Eventually, Ellyana stood next to Robert. "You only have a little more to go. It might take you one more day though," Ellyana agreed with his statement. Smiling up at him, the small australian jumped up and down, causing Robert to laugh.

"I can't wait till it's all done," Ellyana said, playfully punching Robert in the shoulder. "It shouldn't take us that long..." Robert looked at Ellyana, grinning goofily.


By the end of the day both Ellyana and Robert were exhausted, but they got her room done. At the moment, Robert and Ellyana were lounging on the couch in the den. They were singing, telling jokes, telling stories, and basically just playing around. Robert proposed an idea.

"How about tomorrow we have a movie night? Just the two of us?" Ellyana turned her attention to him, a confused smile on her face, "I mean- I already tried to invite Bria over, but she said she was busy and—"

"Robert," Ellyana cut him off, his attention snapping to her, "I'd love that. We haven't had one in 7 years, why wouldn't I want that?" Ellyana stood, turning to go to her room, "If my room smells like paint, I'm taking your bed." Ellyana smirked, running down the hall to her room.

"Oh no you're not!" Robert almost jumped up from the couch, running after her.

These nights will be fun.

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