Jealousy: Part One

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WARNING: very stupid and oblivious Robert

Another day, another rehearsal. Robert and Ellyana were currently warming up with everyone else in the dance space. Bria and Mykie were watching over Lulu at home. Luca and Mica were out on a date somewhere. The week was perfect. Or at least that's how it started.

Everyone began to notice the tension between Robert and Ellyana, and they could tell something was about to go down. They were barely talking to each other during rehearsals anymore. It wasn't until one day when Ellyana had pulled Jon aside did he know what was going on. "I need your help." Was all she said.

"What is it?" He asked, obviously confused. Jon and Ellyana had become good friends since they had to work on a lot of scenes together. In fact Ellyana had become great friends with everyone, especially Jon and Mariah. So now that he was finally going to learn what was happening between her and her best friend, he was intrigued yet scared.

"Robert and I found out that we liked each other, but I think he's falling out of it. My plan is to just test it by being a bit more touchy-feely with the guys. I asked the others and they said okay, but I know you might not be comfortable with that," Ellyana explained. Jon had to stop himself from laughing. She was going to play the jealousy card? 'I mean, it's not full on, she probably just wanted to make sure the guy she's loved since high school still loves her.' Jon thought, before agreeing.

"I'll help, as long as we don't hurt him too much," Ellyana quickly smiled at him. She then explained how she would only be doing hugs, occasional kisses on the cheek, and maybe some hand holding. Her and the boys figured that wouldn't be horrible considering that if Robert had a problem with it, he would just confront her about it.

Oh boy were they wrong.

On the first day of jealousy week, Ellyana started small. Giving Jon and Corey more hugs than usual, giving Joey and Jeff high fives a lot since she never did, it was all small. Just like she thought. It wasn't affecting Robert in the slightest. If anything, he was more confused by this. So half way through the day she decided to give Jon a kiss on the cheek for no reason in particular. It almost caught him off guard, but she had poked his shoulder before she did it. That had gotten Robert's blood pumping a little, but not in the way she thought.

No he was figuring out her game. AND ON THE FIRST DAY AT THAT. He didn't confirm the idea until the second day, where more cheek kisses happened, and even some hand holding. That's when he pulled all the girls aside. "Hey, can you all help me with something?" He asked them before seeing the girls nod their heads. "Okay, well, first of all, have you girls noticed how Ellyana has gotten much closer to the other guys this week?" Lauren spoke up first.

"Yeah, what's up with that?" Mariah hummed in response as Jamie nodded. Robert held in a laugh, knowing that the girls had seen this too was a relief. Now he knew he wasn't crazy. Robert looked at all of them before explaining.

"My theory is that she wants to make me jealous. Obviously it's not working, cause I know for a fact she still loves me..." he trailed off thinking back on memories. Robert snapped out of his thoughts quickly, "I want to show her how it's done."

Mariah raised a brow, "I'm not sure that's a good idea Robert... she could just get really angry," she tried to talk some sense into him knowing he was about to start a war that would not end well, but he didn't listen and eventually got the girls on his side.

Wednesday hit with full force.

Ellyana was still just playing around. Small thing here and there, but then she saw it. Robert had choses Mariah as his main accomplis, working with her the most. Ellyana has been talking to Jeff about harmonies and when she was done with him, she turned around to see Robert and Mariah flirting. Of course, Ellyana tried to brush it off, but it never left her mind.

More happened during that day. Jon holding her hand, which didn't happen to be part of the plan, just because he knew that Robert had started affecting her. Robert had kissed Mariah on the cheek and kept an arm around her almost every time they weren't needed. However, Ellyana did not let it show that it was bothering her. She couldn't find a bone in her body to fight against not telling him anything, for she just wanted him to be happy. By the end of rehearsal, she had done a lot to keep her emotions at bay.

The car ride home was uncomfortably silent. Neither one wanted to say anything first. They were patiently waiting for the other to speak first, but that never came. Instead they were met with deafening silence. Robert had pulled into the garage, parking the car and turning it off. Almost immediately, Ellyana jumped out of the car, practically running inside. Robert thought maybe she was just irritated because she kept messing up harmonies and choreography that day and was going to go practice. However, Ellyana had rushed inside only to thank Bria and Mykie, take Lulu, go to her room, and let her emotions out.

Robert walked in almost 3 minutes after her and was greeted by two surprised and confused girls who didn't know what to do next. Robert asked them to kindly leave, which they did, feeling the tension between Robert and Ellyana fill the air. After about 20 minutes of sitting alone on the couch, Robert got up and walked down the hall to Ellyana's door. He didn't hear anything inside, so he knocked lightly. A soft gasp then sniffle was heard from inside her room.

"Hey, I just wanna say, if you're hungry, I can make you something." He waited 2 minutes. No answer. Waited 5, still no answer. Robert sighed before realizing she probably went to sleep. "Okay..." Robert was about to walk away when he heard light scratches on the door. Opening it slightly, he let Lulu out before going to make himself some dinner.

Ellyana was laying there in the dark. Too afraid to move, crying softly into her pillow. She had just gotten rejected in the worst way possible. Not with words, with actions. So when Robert came to her door to ask if she was hungry, she stayed silent. In fact she didn't even have an appetite. Then when Lulu had jumped out of her arms so she could leave, it was almost like she got rejected again. Being fully honest with herself, Ellyana was hurting. She couldn't show this though, for if she did, she would be preventing Robert from being happy.

And that was the last thing she ever wanted to do.

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