Jealousy: Part Two

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WARNING: very stupid and oblivious Robert

Thursday of Jealousy week was the real start of it all. Ellyana hadn't and wasn't planning on changing her tactics. In fact, she had almost completely stopped. Almost. Ellyana was still working with Jon, but she told the other boys that they didn't need to help her anymore. Jon could tell something was off with her. He thought he knew why, but had to make sure. That's why he confronted Ellyana about it.

"Hey, Ellyana?" He walked up to her talking to Jamie and Lauren. Those two were the ones who weren't helping Robert, since he had put all his faith into Mariah. Ellyana turned to him, the joy and happiness that usually filled her sapphire eyes had disappeared from the day before. However, she smiled at him, even if Jon knew it was forced. He smiled back at her, "Can I talk to you for a second?" Jon pointed over to an empty space by the dance mirror where no one was standing.

"Yeah, of course," Ellyana quickly turned back to the girls, "I'll talk to you later!" She smiled at them before joining Jon by the mirror. Looking up at him, Ellyana softly smiled, "What do you want to talk about?" Jon could see her fiddling with her hands behind her back. He couldn't stand to see her like this. He knew that something happened.

Taking a deep breath, Jon whispered, "Did something happen yesterday?" The small australian froze, crumbling into herself. Ellyana's eyes found their way to the floor, refusing to look up. Jon was sure something had happened now. His hands reached out until they softly placed themselves on the small girl's shoulders. "Is it something to do with Robert?" Jon asked, quietly. His eyes trailed the room, noticing that neither Robert or Mariah were there.

Ellyana took a shaky breath before looking up at Jon. Her eyes were glistening as she held back the tears she so desperately wanted to let fall. "I-It's fine. I'm f-fine, a-and he's—" Ellyana stuttered out, taking a breath before finishing her sentence, "He's hap-happy... that's all that matters," Ellyana finished, calming herself down as quickly as she could.

Jon couldn't believe what she was saying. "Ellyana..." Jon sighs. He really felt sorry for her, even if it kinda was her fault all of this was happening. Jon took a deep breath, "You need to talk to him," Ellyana tried to butt in, but Jon stopped her, "I know you don't want to, but you have to, okay? I don't want you to suffer like this, and I bet he wouldn't either," Jon gave her shoulders a reassuring squeeze. Ellyana genuinely smiled before pulling Jon into a hug. He happily hugged her back.

"Thank you." She whispered into his chest. Ellyana pulled away quickly just as James, their choreographer, spoke to everyone in the room.

"Okay! I'd love it if we could run 'Show Me Your Hands', and Nick says he wants you guys to continue on from there, going all the way to the end of act one!" James clapped his hands together happily. Everyone nods and agrees with the plan. As everyone moves to their starting positions, James notices the two missing people. "Wait, where are Robert and Mariah?" They all looked around other than Jon, who had known they weren't in the room. When everyone began to murmur, Ellyana could feel her stomach knotting up. "How bout someone goes to look for them. Um..." James's eyes land on the only person not talking to anyone. "Ellyana?"

"Hm?" Ellyana's eyes meet James's, snapping out of her thoughts. It took her a minute to understand what he asked her, but eventually she did. "Oh! Uh..." Ellyana glanced around the room to see if anyone would help her out of this mess. However, no one did come to her rescue. "Yeah... I'll go. I'll be back in a few..." Ellyana breathed out, plastering on a fake smile. James smiles back, thanking her before she went on her merry way.

Ellyana silently stepped out into the hall that connected the studio to other rooms downstairs. It was a long hall for there was a men and women's bathroom, two dressing rooms, and a janitor closet. Directly next to Ellyana was the staircase leading back upstairs. She knew they probably didn't leave, so she would check downstairs first. Taking small steps that seemed to echo ever so slightly, Ellyana began to walk down the hall. Her black leggings cling to her legs as she walks, her oversized orange shirt with the words "Avoiding Adulthood" on the front swayed with each step. Even though she was wearing tan jazz shoes, it felt like she was making more noise than she ever did.

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