Chapter 1: The Date

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! SPOILERS for season 8 if u havent watched it yet

plot line similar to "Launch Date" ep 1 s8 with Lance and Allura  ]


* In the Garrison building *

Keith walked into a room Hunk was standing in.

"Hey, Hunk?" Keith asked as he stepped through the door.

"Hey Keith. Whats up?" Hunk replied.

"Uhh.. so I was just wondering," Keith answered as he scratched the back of his head, "how do you deal with.. feelings?"

Hunk looked up at Keith who looked utterly confused, as if he had no idea what he was talking about.

"Feelings huh?" Hunk told the confused paladin. "When did the 'Leader of Voltron' suddenly become such a sweetheart?" he said jokingly.

"I- uh.. I honestly don't know." Keith said. "I mean I don't even know if I like this person."

"Who's the lucky girl?" Hunk asked, "or guy?" he said after he paused.

"It's a girl- I mean, she's a girl." Keith replied as he looked down at his feet.

"Pidge huh." Hunk instantly knew.

Keith was shocked, "H-how?! What?" he exclaimed all flustered.

"Well I meann, Allura and Lance are already together, wouldn't see you with goo goo eyes for Allura. Besides, I see the way you look at Pidge, don't think no one sees." Hunk winked.

Keith didn't know what to say,
"But I've never felt like this before, it's just all so new to me, I'm not even sure if I actually like her.."

"Yea it's kind of new to everyone." Hunk confessed. "What makes you think you like her?"

"Well.." Keith said as he looked away from Hunk, "something about her, just makes her so different from every other girl. She's really smart, she can stand up for herself, she's not afraid to get her hands dirty."

"The way she looks at you with her goofy smile, her personality is just on point. And those eyes.." Keith went on.

Hunk noticed Keith smiling a bit as he talked about Pidge's appearance.

"When you look at her, you feel like you just want to run up and hug her cause she's so small. I can't even imagine how her hand would fit against mine due to her size.." Keith's face started turning pink. "She's so cute.." he said under his breath.

"Man Keith! You've got it bad." Hunk laughed as he patted Keith on the back. "You guys look really cute together, if I do say so myself."

Keith covered his face as he blushed even more and laughed it off.
"I want to ask her out- as a friend!" Keith exclaimed. "Just get to know her better myself, just me and her.. alone."

Hunk smirked and turned Keith so they were facing each other.

"You sir, are asking Pidge out on a date. Tonight."

"Tonight?!" Keith said all flustered. "Why tonight? I mean I could always ask another time."

"Tonight is the last day we have here on Earth! Tomorrow we'll be back in space fighting the Galra, who knows when we'll be back. Keith now is the time." Hunk told Keith.

"I- I don't know Hunk.." Keith replied.

"C'mon buddy, I got your back, lets go!" Hunk said as he pushed Keith to where they found Pidge on her computer, sitting with Allura and Romelle.

"Hunk wait!" Keith exclaimed as he was
being pushed farther into the room. A
few seconds later Keith found himself standing in front of the table the girls were sitting at.

As he looked behind him, Hunk at the side of the entrance smiling giving him a thumbs up. Keith glared at Hunk as he turned to the table.

He walked towards where Pidge was sitting, "Hey Pidge." Keith said getting her attention. But failed and all three girls turned to look at Keith.

"Hey Keith." Pidge said as she looked up from her computer, "Need anything?"

"Well um.. I was wondering.." Keith tried to get out. He looked behind Pidge and saw Allura and Romelle, eyes sparkling gesturing Keith to keep talking.

"Well I uh was wondering.. if you'd like to hangout with me tonight. Just you and me?" Keith said and let out a big sigh, he finally said it.

"Sure!" Pidge answered, "What were you planning on doing?"

Keith was caught off gaurd, he hadn't thought that far.

"Uhh.. well I don't really know." Keith said nervously as he scratched the back of his head, with an uneasy smile on his face.

"Oh." Pidge said, thinking of what they could do. "Well, you could come to my house, have dinner with me and my family, then afterwards it'll just be you and me, thought about winging it from there."

"Yea! That sounds great!" Keith replied, relieved that Pidge figuired something out.

"Yea." Pidge smiled.

"So what time?" Keith asked.

"6:00 pm. My house, meet me there." Pidge answered.

"Great." Keith smiled back at the small girl.

"Great." Pidge laughed, as Keith walked out of the room. Hunk high-fived Keith and put his arm around his shoulder, happy his mission was accomplished.

Pidge turned back to her computer as she saw two Altean heads pop up.

"I know I'm not that fond of Earth culture," Romelle protested. "But I am sure, the one who asks the other out, is the who is taking them out?"

Allura nodded her head as she agreed.

"Guys it's fine, he didn't know what to do, so I thought of something. It'll be fun anways." Pidge said.

"Can we pick out your outfit?" Allura asked with sparkling eyes.

Pidge laughed. "No."

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