Chapter 1: Masquerade Ball

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[ suggested by Pjo4life010206 ]


"Mom, I don't understand why we have to go to that stupid ball." Katie asked her mother, Colleen.

"Well Katie.. for starters, it's respect to the royal highness, the prince! Besides, it's a masquerade ball, it's not like you'd be recognized by anyone you know." Colleen told her daughter.

"But mom, we're not even royalty ourselves." Katie said with a pleading tone. Her and her family were just civilians of the town next the royal castle.

"The whole town is invited Pidge. The ball is tonight. Didn't you read the scroll the guard gave us?" Katie's brother Matt said.

"I hate it when you call me that." Katie scoffed at Matt.

"Sorry Katie." Her brother responded, while handing her the scroll invitation.

The girl skimmed through the scroll.

"Okay.. but, what are we going to wear? None of the shops in town have fancy enough clothing to compare to royalty's."

"They're providing for us." Colleen smiled widely.


Sam, Katie's father then walked into the room holding their clothes the prince had given them. He handed each of his family members their suits and dresses.

Katie was given an elegant ball gown. It was a light shade of green, sleeveless and off the shoulder with a lace detail from the top to the waist, with more detail at the bottom of the gown. It felt so high quality, like satin material.

She gawked at the dress, her eyes sparkling, "Oh my god.." Katie let out. The dress was like something she had never seen before, it was all too fancy to her usual cloth dresses.

"You cannot refuse to go now Katie." Her mother told her.

"But-" Katie was interrupted by her mother handing her a mask.

"And here's your mask, now go change everyone, then we're off to the ball!" Colleen ecstaticly said as she pushed her daughter to go change.


"Do you think this was a good idea Lance?" Keith asked his royal guard.

He stood in front of a 3 panel mirror, adjusting the suit he was going to wear to the ball. The jacket was white, and clasped together in the middle from the neck down to the waist with buttons. Other parts of the suit, like the shoulders, handcuffs, and neckcuff, had red detailing. As there was a red ribbon that wrapped around the waist.

"Of course your highness! Why are you doubting?"

"First of all, Lance you don't have to call me 'your highness.' 'Keith' is fine." The prince said turning his head to his guard.

"Okay.. Keith, why do you have doubts?" Lance faced Keith from the side.

"I don't know.. I mean it was a good idea right? I just want to get to know the towns people for who they are, and I want them to know me for who I am as well."

"Sounds more like you're interested in finding someone.. special? A partner perhaps?" Lance smirked.

Keith's face flushed red.

"I.. Uhm.."

"Don't worry Keith." The guard patted his back, "I'm sure there's a beautiful girl out there waiting for you to sweep her off her feet."

"Heh.." Keith smiled, "I hope you're right."


Katie and her family had made it to the masquerade ball. Everyone was wearing their masks and given clothing. They all looked so fancy, Katie thought.

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