Chapter 2: The Date

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Keith walked up to Pidge's front door at 6:00 pm, ready to go. He was wearing black jeans with a black belt around his waist, and a black shirt that went under his hooded jacket which was red then white at the top, and wore white and black boots that he'd always wear.

He knocked on the door, as the door opened he saw Pidge's mom.

"Oh hello Keith." Her mom smiled. "I'm Colleen, Katie's mom."

"Nice to meet you Ms. Holt." Keith smiled back as he shook Pidge's mom's hand, and stepped inside.

"Oh please, call me Colleen." she assured Keith.

"Okay Ms. Ho- Colleen." Keith answered.

"Katie will be down in a minute." Colleen said politely smiling at Keith, as they waited at the door for Pidge to come down.

Pidge then came speed walking down the stairs. Keith felt his face suddenly get warm and moved his hand to his face to hide himself blushing

Pidge was wearing black leggings and a green and white colorblock long sleeve dress, with green and white boots. And of course, the glasses her brother gave her were resting on the bridge of her nose.

"Hey Keith!" Pidge greeted Keith as she walked up to him.

"Hey Pidge!" Keith smiled.

Keith was then greeted by Pidge's dad, brother, and a grey bull terrier who ran up and started licking his face.

Pidge laughed and said, "That's my dog Bae Bae."

"You mean my dog, right Pidge?" Matt told his sister.

"No, Bae Bae's my dog." Pidge shot back at her brother.

"No Bae Bae's my-" Matt got cut off by his parents saying, "The family dog." as they shot a look at their two children.

Pidge and Matt both sighed in disbelief, "Well, I named him!" Pidge shouted to her parents.

"No wonder you did." Matt laughed looking at his little sister. "Isn't that right Bae Bae?" He playfully told the Holt's family dog. "Yes it is."

Keith laughed at their little argument, then soon everyone joined in the laughter.

"Let's go eat." Colleen suggested.


Keith sat down at the edge the dinner table, with Colleen at the corner and Pidge to his side, with Sam across from himself and Matt across from his sister.

They all ate as Matt pointed out to his dad, "Remember the time you let Pidge take out Bae Bae for a walk on her own when we were younger, and Bae Bae just started sprinting down the side walk and you had to chase after Pidge?"

Sam chuckled, "Yea I do remember that."

Pidge slumped down in her chair embarrassed, feeling her face get warmer. Keith knudged the girl as he laughed at her brother and dad talking about embarrassing childhood stories, only to her face change to darker shades of red the more embarrassing they got.

"Katie really is a sweet girl once you get to know her," Colleen told Keith, "just get past her sassy side and you'll be fine." she winked.

Keith chuckled at her advice as Pidge stood up from the table, "Well I'm done, c'mon Keith lets go outside." He followed her to the door as he looked back, he saw two figures staring him down with firey faces assuring him with a 'don't screw this up, or you die' face from Matt and Sam.

Keith nervously smiled and Pidge and himself headed outside. It was near night time. The dark sparkling sky was out, quiet and peaceful, hearing the birds chirp from the trees.

Keith followed Pidge through her neighbourhood to end up at a spot she wanted to show him. A wave of cool air breeze passed by making the outdoor now cold, Pidge shivered as she rubbed her hands on her arms to warm up. Keith took off his jacket as he placed it on the girls small shoulders, it looked oversized on her.

She looked up at Keith, "Are you sure you won't be cold?" she asked as he nodded his head, she then slipped her arms through his jacket as they kept walking through the peaceful night.

They finally arrived to a spot that was clear of houses, it was a neighborhood park, but Pidge kept walking up the grass hills to reveal a little spot on the edge of the hill with no trees looking out to the sky.

She walked up ahead of Keith patted a spot next to her gesturing Keith to sit. He walked forward as he tripped on his own foot since it was so dark he couldn't see much. Keith ended up face planting the ground as he groaned. He got up and sat down next to Pidge, trying to control her laughter by covering her mouth with her small hands.

"You good?" Pidge laughed as she couldn't hold it in much longer. Keith looked to his left, seeing what he found to be beautiful. He saw Pidge, bright eyed even in the dark, with a smile across her face which was slightly pink. He smiled at the sight, "Yea I'm good."

They both laughed it off as they then sat there Pidge pointing out her favorite constellations looking up at the star filled sky. But all Keith saw when he looked up was dark, the only star he saw was a small girl who wore an oversized jacket and sat down next to him.

"Hey Keith?" Pidge asked looking up at him.

"Yea?" he replied looking back at her.

"Can I see your hand?"

"Sure." Keith raised his right hand as Pidge placed her left to his. Compared to Keith's Pidges hand was much smaller, even more then he thought it would be.

"Wow! And I thought Matt's hand was big." Pidge laughed.

"Nah, I think you're just really tiny." Keith smiled. She blushed at his comment as he then intertwined their fingers.

"Your hand's soft." Keith mentioned.

"Your hand's big." Pidge said.

"And is that a bad thing?" He asked tilting his head like a confused puppy.

"No." She answered, "It just makes it harder to hold."

Keith felt his face get warmer by the second and it also turned red as his jacket that Pidge was wearing. They unlocked their hands as they went back to staring at the sky.

"Today was fun, even though we didn't do much." The girl said breaking the silence.

He looked at Pidge who was dazing off into the sky, with reflections of stars on her glasses.

"Yea, but I saw something beautiful." Keith pointed out.

"Really?" Pidge asked turning to him. "What was it?"

"You." He said under his breath looking to the side, but Pidge heard him. She blushed hard as she scooted closer to him.

They both looked up at the sky once more as silence took over. After about 10 minutes, Pidge looked down to her feet saying, "Katie."

Keith turned his head to her in confusion.

"Call me Katie." She said smiling up at him with glistening amber eyes. He smiled in return as she layed her head on his shoulder.

They stayed on the hill for most of their time until walking back to Pidge's house a little after midnight.

Keith enjoyed the time they had together alone, though they didn't do much, he was grateful to spend a peaceful day on Earth with one he loved,

Katie Holt.


I'm sorry if any of this sounded a bit off or confusing to you, I currently have writers block so it was hard to think for the second half of this chapter. I didn't want to keep you guys waiting for much longer so I whipped something up. Still hope you enjoyed :)

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