Chapter 2: Masquerade Ball

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It was the next day, the afternoon, and Keith was determined to find Katie, his dream girl. He set off into town, ignoring his guard Lance.

The prince would knock on every civilian's door, and apologize for disrupting when he didn't meet the face he wanted to see. Even though Katie was wearing a mask, as creepy as it sounds, Keith remembered how the visible part of her face looked like. As he remembered every other visible part of her, her hair, height, body, and how her voice sounded like.

Before Keith set off, he asked his guards if they remembered which house they gave the specific green dress to, and how the person who answered the door looked like. He presumed it was her mother since they described her as a grown women with pixie cut hair, eyes just like Katie's, and they told him the last name was 'Holt.'

Even though his gaurds described the house the best they could, the houses in the town looked almost exactly the same. So Keith knocked on the door of every house he saw.

As Keith knocked on the door of which seemed like the hundredth house, he met eyes with the woman his gaurds described. The prince was in shock that he had finally found the house as he paused for a few seconds before clearing his throat to speak.

"Mrs. Holt, I am Prince Keith Koga-"

"The prince?" Colleen gasped, "Oh my-"

Katie's mother then knelt down before  him.

"Oh- no miss, there is no need for kneeling." Keith said scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh, I'm sorry your highness." She said while quickly standing up.

"It's quite alright." Keith smiled, "I was wondering if I could speak to your daughter? ...Katie?"

"Yes of course your highness. Just one second." Colleen walked to the stairway as she called out for her daughter. "Katie! Someone's at the door for you."

"Coming." Keith heard the muffled voice of the girl he met at the castle the other night.

He then saw the girl of his dreams walk down the stairway, he couldn't help but smile. She wore a basic pale green dress that fell to her knees, brown flats, as her light brown hair brushed her shoulders just as he remembered.


The girl finally looked up and met eyes with the violet ones she got lost in the night before. She was taken aback at how she had found him.

"Mom." Katie said under her breath.

"So I look like your mother now?" The prince joked.

"No! No- sorry, I'm just so.. shocked- H-how did you find me?"

"I.. knocked on every door.. to find you."


"Because," Keith took Katie's hands in his, "I love you-"

"I- I know.. But I'm asking you why."

"Let me take you out. Just the two of us, so we can get to know each other better.. So you can learn to love me?"

"Keith.. I never said I didn't-"

"So you do?"

Katie looked around her house, making sure no one was listening in on their conversation.

"Okay, let's go out."

Keith smiled, he opened the door and let out his hand for Katie. She took it with a small smile as she walked out of her house.

After a few hours of conversating, the two learned quite a lot about one another. They learned about each others backstories, and what each of them like. They both began to enjoy their little date.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2019 ⏰

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