Chapter 1: Playdate

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Pidge was taking Bae Bae out for a walk as Keith insists to walk with her.

"You know you didn't have to come." Pidge said looking up at Keith.

"C'mon I insist, I mean I have a dog of my own." He shrugged.

Pidge scoffed, "You have a wolf Keith. An alien wolf, Kosmo's GIANT compared to an earth dog."

"Heh, well I mean yea, but he's a good cuddler."

Pidge laughed.

"Wait! What if Bae Bae and Kosmo have a playdate!" Pidge said stopping in her tracks.

Keith raised a brow, "Are you sure Pidge? Just a second ago you were telling me Kosmo's huge."

"I'm sure it'll be fine." She replied nudging Keith, "I mean it'll be fun. Right?"

"I don't know Pidge." Keith said concerned.

"C'mon pleaseee." Pidge looked up at Keith with her bright puppy dog eyes, putting her hands together in front of her face.

Keith looked at the girl, she was too cute to argue with.

"Fine." Keith said feeling defeated.

Pidge was ecstatic, "Haha! Yes!"

He smiled at her excitement, he couldn't help but blush at the sight.

"Only because you're cute." Keith smirked, booping her small nose.

Pidge's face flushed red. "Shut up."


The next day, Pidge and Keith were to meet up at the dog park with their companions.

Pidge sat on the park bench, waiting for Keith, swinging her feet back and forth as she held onto Bae Bae's leash. Just then, a pair of hands covered her eyes from behind as she jumped a bit by suprise.

"Guess who." The person covering her eyes said.

"Hi Keith." Pidge smiled.

Keith chuckled as he jumped over the bench to sit next to her.

"Hey." He smiled back.

"So where's Kosmo?" Pidge asked.

"Oh, sorry I forgot him." Keith replied scratching the back of his neck.

"Wha- how do you forget-" Pidge said, as she was interrupted by a giant glowing figure licking her face.

Pidge giggled as the licks tickled her face.

Kosmo kept licking her as Pidge couldn't contain her laughter. It was all too cute.

"Okay okay, down boy." Keith said as tears started to form in the girl's eyes from laughing so hard.

Kosmo sat in front of both Pidge and Keith as Bae Bae sat next to him.

"Wow! I knew you were huge, but I didn't think you'd actually be so big." Pidge said with flushed cheeks from laughter.

She stood up next to Kosmo, as he towered over her like a giant fluffy bear of some sort.

"You're so tiny compared to him." Keith laughed.

"Oh shut up." Pidge scoffed.

"C'mon Kosmo, Bae Bae. You wanna play fetch?" She said playfully to the two dogs.

They both nodded their heads as their tails wag.

"Okay." Pidge smiled at the two as she grabbed a stick. "Go fetch!"

She threw the stick into the field as Bae Bae ran after it. Kosmo teleported to the stick and back dropping the stick in Pidge's hand.

She smiled and petted the wolf's face as he knelt down for her.

"Good job Kosmo." Pidge said scratching  the back of his ear as Bae Bae came running back to his owner.

She chuckled as her dog came running back with a tail still wagging in enjoyment, even though he didn't get the stick.

Keith couldn't help but just watch Pidge play with the two, as he got up and joined them after a bit.

Kosmo was running around the dog park with Bae Bae as they play fought together.

The small girl's eyes then lit up, as she gasped.

"Oh my gosh! What if-"

"Pidge. No." Keith protested, already knowing what she was going to say.


"Pidge." He said raising a brow.

"Keithhh." She said looking up at him.

"No. No. No. A million times no." Keith said looking down at her with a straight face.

Pidge looked at him with her puppy dog eyes once more, but the sunlight hitting her face causing her freckles to come out was making it hard for Keith to hold back.

He turned to the side as he covered his face that was blushing too much.

"Fi-" He got cut off as Pidge yelled out for Kosmo.

"Kosmo! Come here boy!" She exclaimed in excitement. The glowing wolf came running towards her with Bae Bae following from behind.

He tackled Pidge as she hit the ground, groaning a bit from the pain, but she was fine.

Bae Bae turned to Keith tilting his head.

"What?" Keith asked.

Bae Bae pointed with his paw to Pidge then looked back at Keith with a giant smile plastered on his face.

Keith chuckled, "Yea, you're right."

He knelt down to scratch Bae Bae behind his ears as he wagged his tail.

"Just don't tell anyone, okay?" He whispered to the dog.

Bae Bae nodded his head and licked Keith's cheek.

"Good boy." Keith smiled as he kept petting the dog.

Before Keith knew it, Pidge was riding on the back of his glowing wolf.

Her small figure made it look like she was riding a glowing bear, she laughed and smiled with joy as she rode around the dog park. The wolf then stopped as the girl clapped her hands together.

"Bae Bae!" She called out to her dog, "Come here boy."

The dog jumped up high with the help of the wolf, as he sat in front of his owner riding Kosmo around the park.

Keith smiled at the girl who looked like she was having the time of her life.

The sun started to set, and Pidge yawned, resting her head on Keith's shoulder as they sat next to each other on a bench.

"You tired?" Keith softly asked.

"Mhm." The girl nuzzled into Keith's chest.

This made Keith blush.

"Want me to take you home?"

There was no answer.

Keith slowly moved his head to see that Pidge had fallen asleep. Bae Bae jumped onto the bench, cuddling up with his owner, as Kosmo laid next to the bench, all curled up.

Keith sighed. "Okay, we can stay for a little bit longer."

The two sat there on the bench, one asleep, and the other admiring the girl. With their companions resting by their side.

Keith wrapped his arm around Pidge, pulling the sleeping girl close. After a few minutes, he was asleep too.

(they went home after a few hours)


sorry this one's a short one. i continued the last part like months after i first wrote the parts before so i kinda blanked out, sry about that, but i still hope u enjoyed :)

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