Chapter 1: Suns Out, Freckles Out

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It was the middle of the summer, and the paladins of Voltron were all stuck in a van on their way to a beach resort they were staying at for a few weeks.

Shiro sat in the drivers seat, Coran with shotgun, Allura in the middle with Hunk to her left and Lance to her right, and Keith behind Lance with Pidge to his side.

Everyone had worn comfortable close because the drive was 17 hours long so they had a long way to go. Shiro wore a black sweater and joggers, Coran had done the same but in teal. Hunk wore a white t-shirt and yellow jacket with basketball shorts, Keith, same as Hunk but a black shirt and red jacket. Lance wore a blue t-shirt with a black jacket and joggers, and Allura wore a pink sweater with shorts, as Pidge wore a green hoodie and shorts.

For the first half of the drive, everyone was still awake in a good mood. Keith bugged Lance by kicking Lance's chair like a child on an airplane, while Hunk talked with Allura about food. Coran and Shiro chatted in the front while Pidge was in her own world.

She would look out the window and count how many buggies she saw, but didn't really have anyone to punch since she wasn't playing with anyone so she would punch Keith from time to time.

Keith got over bugging Lance and layed back in his seat looking over to Pidge, resting her head on her hand staring out the window. He knudged her foot with his as he gestured her to sit next to him. Pidge moved over to the middle seat as they chatted about what they wanted to do once they got to the resort.

It had been 5 hours and Shiro had made a stop at a gas station to get more gas as Hunk, Keith, and Pidge went to get food. Luckily there was a Mcdonalds right next door and they went to buy. They walked back to the van with drinks, burgers, fries, and chicken nuggets for the whole team in their arms.
They all decided to stay at the parking lot of Mcdonalds until they were done eating so they didn't have to make a pit stop to throw away trash.

*time skip*

It was nearing midnight and everyone became tired. Shiro switched seats with Coran after they ate so Shiro could rest, and some of the paladins got sleepy. Shiro had already fallen asleep and looked dead as he could ever be in the front seat, while Allura was fast asleep as her head was laid on Lances shoulder and Hunk snook a pic.

Pidge tried to keep her eyes open longer but let sleep take over her as a half awake Keith held her close, her face to his chest.

Lance and Hunk both snickered as they took out their phones and sneaked a bunch of pictures of the two, "so much blackmail" Lance thought as he tried to laugh the quietest he could.

It was past midnight and everyone had soon fallen asleep except for Coran, who was driving. They woke up the next day with beams of light striking down to their eyes as they were still on the road, nearing their destination.

Pidge yawned as she stretched her arm out, as she noticed someone holding her. She looked up to see Keith rubbing his eyes from waking up. She jumped from her seat causing Keith and herself to be awake. They looked at each other with flushed faces embarrassed to say a word.

Hunk, Allura, and Lance were snickering holding their phones up.

"Put your damn phones away!" Pidge yelled to the three as they snickered even more.

"I swear you guys are so dead once we get out of this car." she warned. They slowly pulled down their phones and turned back facing the road, showing each other the pictures they took.

*time skip*

They pulled up to the front of the resort as one by one, plopped out of the van and stretched. As Keith stepped out he saw Pidge chasing Lance around like a goose chasing a little boy. He laughed at the sight and they all gathered their stuff to head to their rooms.

Allura and Pidge shared a room that was right next door to another room the boys were in.

Pidge threw her things on the floor next to her bed, she jumped and plopped on the bed as happy she could be after a 17 hour drive. She rolled over to lay on her stomach as someone knocked on the door and Allura answered.

Lance and Keith walked in, Lance looking furious.

"Wha- they get a whole room to themselves?! They don't even have to share a bed! What is with this Shiro?" Lance shouted.

He looked over at Allura and Pidge who were smirking, Pidge stuck her tongue out and blew a raspberry.

"Haha, suck on that." Pidge said, laughing her head off at the jealous boy.

Keith couldn't help it, so did Allura as they all laughed at Lance. He shot Keith a look causing him to stop, putting on a straight face.

* time skip * ( sorry im lazy )

It was later in the day and everyone was at the beach. Pidge and Allura both wore a two piece bathing suit, green for Pidge and pink for Allura, while the boys wore swim trunks in their corresponding colors.

Hunk and Lance ran to the ocean with Allura, teaching her pool games like Marco Polo, and attempted to teach her how to surf. The others stayed back on the sand chilling in the wooden gazebos.

Pidge sat with Keith in one while Shiro and Coran were in another.

Pidge sat up in the gazebo next to Keith reading a book she brought from home. She hadn't brought her glasses fearing they might break or get dirty at the beach. Her locks of honey colored hair blew behind her as wind gusted through, Keith blushed as he laid down.

"You're such a nerd you even brought a book to the beach." Keith said gazing off at the ocean.

"Pfsh, says you." Pidge scoffed pushing Keith a bit with her hand.

He laughed as he watched her amber eyes move from side to side reading the letters on the page as he noticed..

"Woah! You have freckles." Keith said sitting up. There were spots of freckles on both her sunkissed cheeks and her nose. "Did you always have them?"

"Yea dummy, they just come out more when I'm in the sun." Pidge laughed.

He couldn't stand looking at her. She looked so precious with her freckles on her pink toned cheeks, especially with that smile.

"You should go out in the sun more often then."

Pidge laughed a bit, "Why?"

"Because.." Keith confessed. "They look cute."

Pidge was flustered, her face felt warm as her cheeks turned red from Keith's comment.

"I- uh.. thank you." She said trying to hide the fact she was red.

Keith blushed and smiled, looking at the small girl with her book. He couldn't take his eyes off of her, she just looked so amazing he thought.

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