Chapter 2: Birthday

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Happy Birthday Pidge!! 💚💚💚

Pidge woke up to the sun beaming on her face from the window. She sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes and stretching to wake herself up.

She was greeted by her dog Bae Bae, who jumped on her bed and began licking her face.

"Aww Bae Bae! Thank you, I love you too." The girl playfully said to her dog.

Just then her door slowly opened, to see three taller figures with a cake, candles, and a video camera, as they starting singing Happy Birthday.

Pidge's older brother Matt, was in the middle holding the cake with lit candles, with their dad video taping the whole thing, as their mother looking as happy as she could be.

"Happy Birthday sweetie." Colleen smiled.

"Happy Birthday Katie." Her father said.

"You're old Pidge." Matt joked.

"Shut up," Pidge laughed as she picked off some frosting from the cake, and wiping it on her brothers nose.

"Make a wish Katie."

Pidge then blew out her candles, "I love you guys."

"We love you more." Sam said, as he stopped the video.

The birthday girl got dressed as they all met downstairs with the cake and presents waiting on the table. With her father video taping from the other side of the table.

"Did you really buy this many gifts?" Pidge questioned, looking at the one too many wrapped boxes on the table.

Colleen and Matt giggled as Sam looked like he gave a signal.

Right then and there, four figures hopped out behind Pidge with party poppers, shouting "Happy Birthday!" Pidge screamed in surprise as they were all covered with confetti.

Keith walked up to the girl and hugged her, kissing her forehead.

"Happy Birthday Katie." He said brushing some confetti off the top of her head.

"Thanks Mullet." Pidge giggled. Keith bent down, holding her waist as Pidge stood on her tip toes holding onto his neck while they locked lips.

Allura snapped a picture of the two with a camera, "Agh, Cuties! Okay now it's our turn with Pidge."

"Yeah, times up love birds." Lance snickered.

The two separated, as Pidge hugged her friends greeting her with a happy birthday. Hunk brought freshly baked cookies that everyone snacked on. They all gathered in the living room where Pidge would open the gifts and thank her friends and family.

*time skip*

Pidge and her friends left the house, all to get ready to head to the beach to hang, then later on having a bonfire with the whole team.

They'd spent their time having fun in the ocean. As the sun was setting, they gathered around the bonfire sitting on beach chairs and beach towels.

"I'd like to thank you Pidge, for being my best friend through thick and thin, and always being so kind to help me with food." Hunk declared.

"Your welcome Hunk." Pidge smiled.

"Yea me too!" Lance said. "Pidge, you're one of my best friends, and I wouldn't know what I'd be doing today without you."

"Lance.." Pidge felt so loved by her friends.

"Pidge, you're the best friend any girl could ask for." Allura said smiling at Pidge.

"You're the brains, you're tough, cheery, and stubborn. But we love everything about you." Shiro chuckled.

"Guys.." Pidge started to tear up a bit.

"And I love you." Keith said kissing her forehead.

"We all love you Pidge." Hunk said teary eyed.

"I love you too guys." Pidge's voice cracked as she was on the verge of tears.

"Happy Birthday Pidge." They all said, (besides Pidge) as they all hugged Pidge in a big group hug.

The tears spilled out of Pidge's eyes as she smiled big, and the same with some of the others.


So sorry this is a short one, I tried including a bunch of fluff since I couldn't think of a one-shot that long to go for a birthday, I still hope you liked it!

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