Chapter 2: Suns Out, Freckles Out

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Pidge was getting ready to head out of the room as Allura woke up.

"Pidge?" Allura asked groggy, "Where you heading?"

She turned to face her roommate, "Oh, I'm just heading out to breakfast with Keith." she replied.

"Keith huh, oOoOoHh." Allura smirked.

"Oh shut up." Pidge chuckled heading out the door.

"Have fun with your boyfriend!" Allura shouted as Pidge laughed closing the door.

Pidge and Keith sat down across from each other at a table in the resort to eat.
They had already ordered food and were chatting.

"How're you liking the resort so far?" Pidge asked.

"It's nice, the people who work here did a good job." Keith answered.

"Yea I agree, it's really pretty." The girl said, looking at the scenery.

"Just like you." Keith said blushing.

"Oh my gosh stop." Pidge blushed knudging Keith.

"What? It's the truth." he laughed, causing Pidge to turn more red.

"Oh my- I said stop!" Pidge couldn't control herself blushing, she laughed as Keith laughed with her.

Pidge's phone chimed and she picked it up to see what it was. Allura had texted her:

Allura: hey fyi ill be in the boy's room so dont be scared when u can't find me :)

Allura: have fun w/ ur bf! 👋

Allura: 😘😘

Pidge: lmao thx but no 😂💚

"Oh my gosh Allura." Pidge said to herself, putting her hand over her mouth.

"Huh? What did she say?" the boy asked.

"Wha- Oh, n-nothing.." Pidge said realizing she said it out loud.

"C'mon what is it?" He asked trying yo grab her phone.

"It's really nothing." Pidge laughed it off, "We should probably head back now."

"Ok then." Keith replied as they both walked back to the room Keith was sharing with the other boys.

Keith unlocked the door, only to see everyone else smirking at the sight of him and Pidge.

"Look, the two love birds are back." Lance awed.

Pidge slipped off her sandal and threw it straight at his face.

"Pffffft. Ow Pidge." Lance said after the hit.

Everyone laughed as they all hung out in the boy's room.


sorry this is a short one, still hope you enjoyed :)

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