Chapter 1: Reunion

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[ ! SPOILERS ! for season 8, which takes place 3 months after the last episode of the series. ]


Keith decided that he wanted to visit Earth, to check on how everyone was doing. (aka Pidge)

He landed his ship outside of the Garrison, took his hood and mask off, then walked inside. It looked the same, but just more high tech than usual. There were so many other people and creatures all around the building.

He stood and eyed the place some more, for nostalgic reasons, as someone came running into his arms.

"Keith!" It was Pidge. He was so happy to see her, she'd gotten taller but was still adorably short. She changed her hairstyle, he liked it.

Pidge buried her face into Keith's chest, glowing.

"Hey." Keith chuckled, running his fingers through her hair.

Pidge let go of Keith and looked up at him.

"Hi." She smiled back. They stood there looking at eachother, starting to blush a bit as they were interrupted (sort of) by someone coughing to get their attention.

They looked to the side and saw Matt, his arms crossed with a straight face.

He then smiled, "Hey man!" as he approached Keith.

"Hey!" Keith replied as they hugged.

"So, finally decided to join the Garrison again?" Matt chuckled.

"Oh, no. Sorry but I just came back to check on everyone, maybe stay for a week or so." Keith replied.

"I see." Matt smirking at his sister.

She punched him in return, "Okay okay." He laughed, "I'll see you around then."

"Yep." Keith smiled as Matt left the two be.

"Come on, I wanna show you something!" Pidge said grabbing Keith by his wrist, he blushed. She seemed really excited about this.

They walked into a mini lab, full of moniters and computers. On the desk laid Pidge's laptop and other belongings. In the middle of the lab, was a podium, with wires connecting to a limp robot, who wore Pidge's/Matt's glasses.

"So, I've been working on him for about more than a year, his name's Chip! He's a robot, duh, but I made him." Pidge said with sparkling eyes. "I'm pretty proud of him."

Pidge closed the wires inside of Chip's back as he started to power on. He stood straight on the podium looking at Keith, "Hello, my name is Chip." He said waving.

Keith waved back as he looked back down at the girl. She was beaming with enjoyment, "So.. What do you think?" Her eyes sparkled in the light, her cheeks flushed pink, waiting for his answer.

"It's amazing!" He replied, "Wow, I can't believe you made this- I mean him."

The girl squealed, hugging him tight, "Thanks."

"No problem." Keith smiled.

"Finally someone who's shorter than you!" He joked.

Pidge punched him in the shoulder, "Shut up."


Keith and Pidge ended up spending the rest of the week together, Keith accompanying Pidge in the Garrison, and just chilling with the extra time they had.

"So how's BOM doing?" Pidge asked Keith.

They were taking a stroll together along a pathway.

"Good, how's the Garrison going for you?" Keith replied.

"Heh, good too." Pidge glanced to the ground.

"Hey." Keith placed a hand on her shoulder, "Is something wrong?"

The two stopped in their tracks, facing each other.

"I-I don't know Keith." Pidge said, "I guess I just really miss the team.."

"Pidge.. I do too, but I mean look at all of us now. Lance is being a hobo with his garden, Shiro found love, and Hunk with his cooking."

"I know.. and I'm happy for all of them, really I am. But I just feel lonely sometimes, like we'd always be together, do everything together. It just feels so weird to not be able to do that anymore, you know?"

Keith sighed, "Yea I know. I feel the same way, but hey."

Keith lifted Pidge's head up by her chin with his finger, so he could see her face to face.

"You have me."

Pidge blushed from the words that came out of Keith's mouth. She found herself moving closer to him, as he did the same.

Keith arched down, trying to get level with the girl, as he placed a hand on her cheek. Slowly, as they got closer, the gap inbetween their lips closed.

The two closed their eyes, as they softly kissed one another. It was a sweet and gentle kiss.

After a few moments, Pidge pulled away and looked up at Keith with bright red cheeks.

"I-" The girl started.

"I love you." Keith interrupted. His cheeks were as bright as Pidge's.

Pidge's heart skipped a beat, "You- you love me?" She asked.

"Yea.. I really do." He responded softly.

"I love you too." The two smiled at each other.

Keith moved his hand down to Pidge's waist, as her hand cupped his cheek, and the two shared another soft kiss.

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