Chapter Four

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-Wednesday Morning, 10:25am

-Class: English

 This week is going by very slowly and so is this class; it's only Wednesday and I feel like dying from loads of homework and lack of sleep. It's only been three days and I have a project to complete with a partner who isn't doing much work, an essay to write, and difficult math homework. I rub my eyes and sigh, trying my best to focus on what's written on the board.

As I try to focus on what the teacher was saying, my eyes suddenly start to close. I try my best to fight my sleep, but I fail miserably. I cross my arms on my desk and rest my head on top of my arms as I slipped off into darkness.

"Clementine!" I heard a muffled voice shout my name. "Hm?.." I respond, my head still resting on my arms. " Sit up, or you'll have detention!" Mrs. Blanchard said, shouting louder than before. Sighing, I tiredly lift up my head, wipe my tired eyes and look up at my teacher. She looks down at me, holding a nasty glare while examining my exhausted face. For a second, her angry eyes shifted to worried ones, but then they shifted back to being angry.

I mumble, "I'm sitting up, will I still have to go to detention?"

She crossed her arms, "No, but you should go to the office and call your parents. I don't need tired students in my class." She retorted, a couple of students were either chuckling quietly or saying 'ooo' like five year olds. I got up and grabbed my backpack that was hanging on the back of my chair, while Mrs. Blanchard walked back to the front of the class.


Once I made it to the office, I used my cellphone and called my mom.

"What's wrong?" My mom asked, a bit of concern in her voice.

"I'll explain later, could you come pick me up?"

"Yes, I'm on my way!"

While I waited, I played a random game on my phone, but I eventually dozed off.


I woke up from hearing someone in my room. I groaned and pulled my blanket over me. "I was just grabbing your dirty clothes bin, I'm sorry if I woke you up, dear."

"It's okay mom, I need to get up anyway, I have tons of homework to do." I tell her as I sit up and rub my eyes. "Is that why you sounded so tired when you called? Too much homework?"

"Yeah, not only that, but it's difficult homework too." I groaned loudly, "Well, you were only asleep for about an hour. Get some more rest, okay?"

"Okay." Not wasting any time, I laid down and closed my eyes, hoping that I could fall back asleep.

As soon as I got comfortable, my phone buzzed. I ignored it.

It buzzed again, I ignored it.

Every couple of minutes, someone kept texting me. It's irritating the hell out of me! Why can't I just sleep in peace!?

First my mom interrupts me while I'm sleeping, now someone is texting me non-stop!

I groan in annoyance and turn my phone off completely. Finally, I can sleep now. I get comfortable again, as I fall asleep.


Someone slowly opens my bedroom door, which causes me to wake up instantly. I keep my eyes tightly shut, concentra

"Clementine?" I hear someone whisper my name, but I can't make out who it is. Are you serious? How many times am I going to get interrupted!?

I assume it's AJ so I say, "AJ, can you please let me sleep? I've had a long week, and I need as much sleep as I can get." I say, keeping my voice as calm as possible, even though I'm very irritated.

A quiet and familiar chuckle echoes through my room, "It's not AJ, it's me, Louis."

My eyes shoot open and I quickly sit up, causing me to get dizzy. "Louis!? What are you doing in my house!? Get out!"

"Hey, calm down, Ms.Cranky. Your mom let me in. I heard from some of my friends at school that you went home early--"

I interrupt him, "Yeah, because I was tired. I just have a shit ton of work to complete, and none of them are even half way done. I'm not trying to be rude, but there's really no reason for you to be here." I explained, "Oh, and I'm not cranky." I added as he rolled his eyes. "Uhm, you're definitely cranky, Clem."

"I'm really sorry for waking you up though, Clem. I really didn't mean to. Since you're having a hard time with your homework, how about I help you?"

"Sure, you can help me, while I lay here and go back to sleep, and I swear if someone interrupts me one more time, I will literally scream." I tell him as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Nope, I'm not doing this on my own. You have to do some work too, it's only fair." He says as I scoff.

"I actually don't have to do anything." I say with confidence as I stick my tongue out at him. "Now leave me be, and let me sleep!"

"Jeez, you're super cranky Clem. But fine, since you want to be stubborn, I guess I'm going to have to force you to help." He says, a big grin appearing on his face. I cross my arms, "Yeah right, like you can force me to--"

Before I could finish, I was lifted out of bed. Louis placed me on his shoulder. I put my hands into fists and pounded my hands against his back. "Put me down, Louis! I swear I'll--'

"You'll what?" He asks, as he walks out of my room and walks towards the stairs. "I'll kick you in the face!" I shout, as I wiggle my legs. He moves his face as far away as he can, but I successfully kick him in the face, which causes him to shout in pain.  "Ouch, Clementine! Quit it!"

"I'm not stopping until you put me down!"


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

Question of the day: What's your favorite food?

My answer: I can't pick my favorite, I have too many!

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