My Clouis Headcanons !!

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(Non- Apocalyptic Headcanons)

- If Clementine was feeling down, Louis would softly sing to her to make her feel better.

-If Louis was feeling down she'd tell him some corny jokes which would make him chuckle and smile, or she would play his piano or sing horribly, which would make him laugh at how terrible she is.

- Louis would teach Clementine how to play the piano.

- Louis and Clementine would stay up all night chatting, and when Clementine begins to get tired, Louis will sing a soft tune for her.

-If Louis and Clementine were sleeping in a bed together, Louis would take most of the blanket.

-Louis calls Clementine Clemster just to annoy her.

-Louis would go ALL OUT for Clementines birthday, a date, Valentines day, etc.

-Louis always tries to make Clementine laugh, smile, and blush.

-Since Clementine has a fear of dogs, Louis would help her overcome her fear of dogs. ( I know that Marlon helped her overcome her fear, but I think it would be cuter if Louis was to help her.)

-If Clementine was sick, Louis would make her breakfast in bed, give her snacks when she wanted it, he would be by her side until she got better, and vice versa.

-Louis would always want to play with Clementine's hair. He'd try to braid it, and he'd even tell her to grow her hair out.

-Clementine would put Louis' dreads in a ponytail, and she thinks he looks hot as hell.

-Louis would always tell Clementine the most cringy pick up lines, she pretends like she hates it but she actually likes it.

-Clementine would force Louis to eat cantaloupe just to mess with him, and he'd get all grumpy and won't talk to Clementine, but we all know that doesn't last long. (It'd be the same thing with Clementine, but instead of the cantaloupe it would be Louis teasingly putting Clementine's hat on)

-Lots of hugging and intimate moments.

-Clementine would sometimes wear Louis' jacket to either make him blush or wear it because she's cold.

-They'd cuddle a lot.

-Clementine would be the first one to say "I love you"

-Clementine is better at cooking, while Louis sucks at it.

-Louis would be the type of person who would do like sneak hugs or sneak kisses (does that even make sense?? lmao)

-A cute intimate moment would be Louis and Clem sitting on the piano bench. Louis would be playing the song he wrote for her, and Clementine would lay her head on his shoulder and hum the words.

-Clementine LOVES horror movies while Louis HATES them.

-Louis is the pessimist while Clementine is the optimist.

-Louis will wake up really early and he'll think of a really dumb question so he has an 'excuse' to wake up Clementine.

-They argue over the most dumbest things.

-Clementine would count Louis' freckles.

-Clementine would be better at dancing.

-Louis would tease Clementine a lot.

-Louis will always tell Clementine how beautiful and unique her eyes are.

These are all of my Non- Apocalyptic Headcanons! Let me know if you agree with these or not, and comment some of your Non- Apocalyptic Clouis Headcanons! Should I do an Apocalyptic one next?

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