Chapter Eleven

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It's getting dark, but I continue to walk, not wanting to go home just yet. My parents have been calling me nonstop, but I don't answer any of the calls. I just don't want to hear their voices right now.  "Why me? Why does this have to happen to me?" I think to myself, sighing sadly. I wait for Louis to call me, growing impatient.

I hear my phone buzz, I quickly pull my phone out of my pocket, hoping that it's Louis. I read the screen, which read Louis' name, I smiled sadly. Answering the phone, I go to say something, but Louis beats me to it. "What's the matter?" Asked Louis, sounding worried. I sigh, not wanting to tell him what happened between my parents and I. I pause, not saying anything. "Come on Clementine, what's the matter? Did something happen? You're making me nervous."

"You should be." I mumble. "My parent's found out that we're dating, and they don't...want us to be together because I'm supposedly too young." I confess. I wait for Louis to say something, but all that was heard was his breathing. "I told them how important you are to me, but it was no use." I tell him, my voice cracking. "I..I'm sorry." I mumble. Again, I wait for Louis to say something, but it was just silence. "Louis..?"


"What are you thinking about?"

"I don't know, actually. My mind is just..blank. I'm scared to lose you, Clementine. I just got you, and now you're being taken away from me."

"I'm scared to lose you too, but my parent's didn't tell me that I had to break up with you or anything, all they told me was that it's too young for me to date and that I should wait until I'm older to date. So we're not losing each other just yet.

"But they're technically implying that we should break up."

"Even if they are, I'm still staying with you."

"You know, you're being really stubborn about this." He says, yawning.

I yawn after him,"Yeah, because I don't want to lose someone so important to me."

"I don't want to lose you either, Clem."

I smile. We sit in silence for a while, as I walk home. I hear Louis move around on his bed, breathing slowly. "Our day was going so great, and now it's not so great knowing that we might have to break up." Louis whispers, you can hear the sadness in his voice, which makes my heart hurt. "I know, but let's not give up so quickly. There has to be a way for us to stay together." I explain, feeling confident. "Oh yeah? Have you thought of a way?"

"No, but we'll find a way. We can't give up on each other so easily."

"Yeah, we can't. We'll find a way." Louis says, sounding less sad. I smile, "That's the spirit, Louis."

I look up and notice that my phone is on the verge of death. "My phone is going to die soon, so I'll call you once I get home, okay?"

"Alright." He says nonchalantly, yawning. Noticing how tired he sounds, I change my mind. "Actually, never mind. I'll call you tomorrow morning, get some rest, Lou."

"Alright, sleep well." He mumbles, "You too." I hang up and continue to walk home.

Once I made it home, I walked to the door and take a deep breath. I open the door and see my mom and dad sitting on the couch, obviously waiting for me.  My parents both turn to me, "You should've been home an hour ago." My dad states, "Why weren't you answering my calls?" My mom  "My phone died, sorry." I lie, she shakes her head, sighing. I put my hands on my hips, "Is there anything you want to say to me before I head to bed?"

Standing up, my mom makes her way to me. "Me and your father have decided that.." she starts, hesitant to say the rest. I frown, knowing what she's going to say. "Me and Louis have to break up..?" "No, Clementine. You and him can remain a...couple." She says, both my parents cringe at the word 'couple', while my eyes widen. "What? A-Are you serious? What made you change your mind so quickly?" I ask, stunned. "Yes, I'm serious. Me and your father don't want you to have a boyfriend because you're too young, so that didn't change. But when you told us about how much you care about him, and how he makes you feel, it reminded me of how in love me and your father are." She tells me. I watch as my parents smile at each other happily, then my mom turns back to me.

"It hurt our heart seeing you so upset and sad, and now we understand why you felt that way. It feels like we're taking someone you care about so much, away from you." She tells me, my dad nods in agreement, I nod, listening to her intently. "I think your mature and responsible enough to have a boyfriend, but there will be some rules." My dad adds, my mom nods in agreement. "Rule number one, you have to be home by 9:30pm." My mom explains. I wish she said 10:30pm instead, but I'll take it, as long as I'm with Louis. "Rule number two, if you want to go over to his house, you can only be there for two hours, and vice versa." My dad explains, "Rule number three, don't do anything too crazy." My mom says, I raise a brow, confused. "What do you mean, don't do anything too crazy?"

Laughing nervously, she says: "Well, know." She rubs her neck, awkwardly. I look at my dad, hoping he knew what she meant but he was looking awkwardly at the floor. "Don't you remember the talk about the birds and the bees?" She asks, my eyes widen and my face turns red. I look away, embarrassed. "Mom!" I whine, "Why would you think that?!" I yell, covering my face with my hands. "I'm sorry, it's just know, you're 15 and you're hormon--"

"You don't need to explain it to me. Aah, this is so embarrassing." I mumbled, still covering my red face. "Is that all with the rules? Cause I'm going to bed."

"Yes, that's it." My parents say in unison. I sigh in relief and quickly walk down the long hallway to my room. "Oh, one last thing. We would like to meet Louis!" I hear my dad yell from the living room. I smile, "Okay!" I yell back, going into my room. I change my clothes and take my hair out of it's bun. I lay in bed, put my phone on the charger and place it on my nightstand.Sighing in relief, I mumble to myself, "This day has been an emotional roller coaster. I'm just happy that I get to stay with Louis. I can't wait to tell him tomorrow, I can already picture his big smile."

It took me a while to go to sleep, only because I kept thinking about special moments between me and Louis. We were in 5th grade playing truth or dare during recess. Marlon dared Louis to kiss me on the lips, but he was too nervous so he kissed my cheek. Afterwards, we looked at each other and blushed while everyone else around us said "Oooh". I was in 7th grade at the time, and it was my birthday that day. Louis bought me a bunch of sweets, flowers, gifts and he also wrote me a letter telling me how much he cares about me, and how happy he is to have such an amazing friend. I still have it, and I read it from time to time, usually when I'm not in the greatest mood.

My face turns red thinking about what my mom said earlier. I groan, "I can't get that out of my head. Just because me and Louis are dating doesn't mean we're going know." I think to myself, my face getting even redder. "I mean, when people are in relationships they eventually 'do it' so basically me and Louis will 'do it' someday?" I think to myself, the sentence sounding more like a question. I groan, trying to clear my mind so I can fall asleep.

After what felt like forever (of trying to clear my mind) I fall asleep.

A/N: This will be the last update until the 22nd of april! Which is next Monday. I want to enjoy the rest of my spring break and just chill. What do you think of the story so far? Let me know!

Question of the day: Do you play any instruments?

My answer: Yes! I play Violin (a tiny bit of a Viola), Ukulele, Percussion (Drums), and I recently just got an electric guitar.

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