The Friendship

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The year was 1978, Axl and I were sitting on the roof of his car in his parents driveway just bullshitting the entire time. "No I'm serious I am going to California and I will be forming a band." Axl said and I laughed not believe a single word he said.

"Why are you laughing?!" He said giving me a nudge. "Because its an insane thought and an unreal thing." I said still laughing. He nudged me so hard I fell off the car, I got up and pushed him off the car. We then started wrestling on the driveway, until I pinned him down with a smirk "Ha I win." I said before getting up, and he laid there "I will win someday." he said with an attitude.

I sighed and looked up towards the sky "What would happen if you did go to California?" I asked actually considering the idea. I knew it sounded crazy, but it could be better than staying in Indiana forever.

"You would come with me and we could live together." He said looking at me. I looked back down at him, then decided to lay down next to him. Axl was my best friend, and the only person I trusted I knew when he said that I believed him. We laid there looking at the sky for a few minutes and then I looked at him "Promise me when you go to California you WILL take me." I told him this and he smiled turning his head to face me. "Promise." those words then stuck in my head for years to come.

Years later...

We arrived in California over a month ago, it was 1984. The place we got was one bedroom and one bathroom with a tiny kitchen and living room. Axl slept on the couch and I got the bed, I felt very bad about it, but it was all we could afford. I got a job as a waitress for the time being, but I never worked due to being new. While that happened Axl was determined to form a band and he has been looking for a year. He almost gave up until the end of '84 he met four guys.

Duff, Steven, Izzy, and Slash. They formed a band named Guns N Roses. That is when our lives turned upside down.

April 1987

The band was working on their first album and I had lost my job as a waitress to someone with more experience, so I started to spend more time with the band at the studio. I was the only person allowed in the studio while they recorded, even the bands girlfriends weren't allowed in. One day Slash was giving Axl a hard time for me being there and he did this every day so I finally said "Slash does it really fucking matter if I'm here or not? I don't intervein in anything you or the rest of the band so what the fuck is the problem?" He looked at me and walked towards me.

"If my girl isn't allowed in here, and the others girls aren't allowed in here you shouldn't be." He said in a straight angry tone.

I stood my ground and said back "Well I'm no ones 'girl' I am Axl's best friend, basically sister so you can back off and do your job." As I said this I took my finger and pushed it into his chest. Inside I was freaking out because ever since I saw him I thought he was attractive, but I wasn't going to be treated this way.

He looked at Axl then at me before groaning and walking away. I felt as if I was going to pass out, but I continued to stand there. I looked at Axl and his eyes were wide then he tried not to laugh.

June 1987

The album was almost completed, but Slash and I fought EVERY day at the studio soon I stopped going. Axl was not happy as to why I wasn't going and tried to talk me back into it. "You should come we are almost done with the album." He said while sitting on the couch in our living room. I sighed "Will, I am done fighting with Slash, It becoming too much. I've had enough." I used his real name and he knew I was dead serious. "You know why he always fights with you? He likes you." He said before getting up and walking towards the bedroom.

I stood in the kitchen thinking on that, then shook my head saying to myself "yea right." laughing a little.

July 1987

After that incident I started applying for jobs and the band released the album. I got hired in a good position in New York, but I had to tell Axl. One night I got home and he was sitting on the couch a beer in his hand. "You're home early." I said closing the door behind me. "Yea." he said without emotion. "Are you okay?" I asked and he sat up and looked at me "We are going on tour, I will be leaving tomorrow." I sat there stunned and I then smiled.

"That's...that's amazing. I am so proud of you. You did it." I moved to the couch and sat down next to him. "I just didn't want to leave you here, alone." He said and I lost my smile "About that, I got a job in New York, I'm leaving Monday." I said with no emotion. He smiled and was happy for me, but we had to separate, our friendship has never been severed before. This was going to be hard.

The rest of the night I helped him pack everything and we drank like there was no tomorrow. We woke up to the sound of pounding on the door. "Shit." I said holding my head then looked at the time. "Will, wake up you're late." I said touching his shoulder. Pounding came from the door again.

I walked over opened it to find Izzy "Hi Izzy." I said and he smiled "Hey Pam, Where's Axl?" I opened the door and pointed towards the couch. "Sorry we drank a lot last night, but his bags are over there. I'll go wake him up and meet you out there." I said welcoming him in. Izzy took his bags and headed out. Axl got up and took some stuff to cure the headache then he stood with me for a while so we could say goodbye.

I walked with him downstairs to the bus, I didn't see any other bandmates, but I only cared that I would probably never see Axl again. I gave him a hug and he kissed my cheek. I gave him a little push and he pushed me back. Soon he climbed on the bus and it left leaving me standing on the side of the street like an idiot.

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