7:02 am

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7:02 am

It is 7:02 am and I am sitting in an old bookstore with the coffee I have just gotten from my favorite cafe next door. It is only me and the two on-duty staff members. I know them like siblings. I have been coming here since I was 14. I always leave my house (which was across the street) at 6:30. I get a grande latte from the cafe next door. I live on my own at age nineteen, in a small, one bedroom, apartment. It is in a triple apartment complex, so not many people know about it. It is in a little town where everybody knows each other. Only about one hundred people live here. You can leave your door unlocked and nobody will come in. We have our own way of life. We have all the emergency forces, we have family owned markets, family owned restaurants, family owned music shops, and a little family owned cinema. We don't have any big name shops or stores. No Giant, no Mc Donald's, no Starbucks. Our grocery store is "Ross market". The owner is a little old man, who is the nicest being. I see him at the book store on many occasions. We both like old rock records and classic novels.


"Excuse me miss, do you work here?"

"Oh no, I wish I did"

"I cant seen to find an employee, can you help me at all"

"Sure Mr. Ross! What do you need?"

"Im looking for the older classic novels, any idea where they are located?"

"Wow that is where I am heading to! It's back this way."

"Thank You miss, say, what is your name?"


"Ah yes, Liv. Do you come here often?"

"Every morning sir!"

"Its James"

"Thankyou, James. After you get your book would you like to go get some coffee with me?"

James teared up, "this is the first time in years someone asked me to get coffee. When I first moved here 4 years ago, I came looking to find peace and serenity. What I have found was unacceptence and hatred. I wish folks good morning and they just glare at me and walk away. I then opened my grocery store and never really show myself. Normally, nobody is ever in this book store at this time. But this morning, you are. Since they moved a couple things around, I could have been here for hours looking for the classics, but thank god you had a kind enough soul. To be honest, I was kind of scared to ask you where they were, but there is something about you that I just can not get over, I see an uncommon love in you, but someone has damaged you, badly. Before you think I am crazy, please explain to me why you're broken. If you can not, I understand. I'm just curious what sick minded person would do anything to such a sweet girl."

Then I told him everything.

"This is the first time I have ever opened up to anyone. After Chris, I thought nothing was possible, like life wasn't worth living, but you sir make me realize that it's his loss, not mine."

We stand there in silence; not an awkward silence, a comfortable one.

"So what are your thoughts on coffee?"

"I do not want to send you to too much trouble. You're young. You need your money and time."

"I would much rather use my money on things that make me happy. Coffee with you would certainly make my day. Please?"

"Okay, but if its trouble for you at all, please let me know!"

Then we head off. It makes my wonder why the nicest people get treated so badly.


Though he was an older fellow, he is a friend. He understands my problems with the world.

He is my best friend.


This story will really get you thinking. Till the next part, toodaloo!

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