9:55 am

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9:55 am

Its 9:55 am and the thoughts are rolling in again. Although it was years ago, he damaged me bad.


"Come on! It will be fun!"

"But I will be soaked!"

"Just come on"

Chris has some sort of plan for me in the rain, I have no idea why I must go outside in the pouring rain... Whatever!


"Why do I have tooooo!"

"Because I said so. Wait have you ever seen the notebook?"

"What girl hasn't?"

"Well I want to recreate one of the scenes."

Before I could say anything he grabbed me, and kissed me. We were standing in the middle of the road, and as clique as this is, I had to ask! "What if a car comes?"

"Then we die."

This was also the night he told me he loved me.

"I love you, Liv."

I just paused, confused as to what i should stay.

"I can't. I can not fall for you because everything that falls, breaks."

"Then just hold my hand darling and we will fall together"

I let my guard down and gave into a longer, more passionate kiss.

I would never go further than this unless there was a ring on my finger.

"I love you too, Chris, we fall together."


I still can not get the taste of his lips out of my head; his lips are beautiful yet sinister.

I should have known that he will let go of my hand, and let me fall alone.



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