12:25 pm

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12:25 pm

Its 12:25 pm, and I am at smiths diner. I love going to the unpopular places in this city. This is one of my favorites. Today it is unusually busy, since I go to an online university, most people go to our local school. We have all grades in one building. The building is within a mile of everyones condo/apartment. You might be wondering how and why I live alone, well, that's a touchy subject...


"Honey, its getting dark, maybe we should head back." My mother says to my father while we were taking our nightly bike ride.

"Yeah i need to go see Chris. He said we needed to talk." (This is the day they broke up)

"Just a little further"

As he requested that, a black car drove by and fired shots at us.

He ends up killing both my mother and father, but wounding my brother. I was out of their way of fire so I was not injured.

The hospital staff never let me see my brother. He was in grave condition. In other words, recovery was not expected. He never recovered. I had no idea the bike ride was the last time I could hear his voice.

I went over to Chris' house and put as fake an act as I could.

That night he shattered my heart.

Thats when I ran, I ran to this city and met a kind rich woman who landed me on my feet. I never found out where she went. She just disappeared. She saved me.


That is when the tears started flowing. My waiter comes up to me and just sits down. He put his arm around me. He must have been new. I come here almost daily and I have never seen him here. He knows how to comfort me, just being there. I don't want any conversation, I just need someone. Contrary to the guys who just stare and walk away, he was special.

I finally calm myself down and he says to me, "What about we go get milkshakes later at this little place my family owns. I promise it will be fun!"


"Hey what is your number?"

"I dont have a phone. I have a computer for school and writing. Im working on getting a novel published. My major is actually business because I want to work at the book store. My minor is writing."

"I are getting you a phone!"

He grabs my wrist and drags me to the little electronic store. He buys me an iPhone. I do not know which model because I don't pay attention to this kind of stuff. All I know is it took me an hour to read the manual I requested because I suck at electronics. But while I was there I found some old records. I ended up buying 2 records and an old movie. I just enjoy traditional everything. I had a typewriter at home and that is where I write poetry.

In my writing class at university, and even back in grade school, I have always gotten high A's. This course was the only course I really enjoyed. I got low A's in the other subjects but it took a lot of studying, while I never studied for English, because I just got it. I ended up with all A's on my report.

I never was a girl who parties. I would much rather go somewhere alone and lay there. I do this every friday.

The problem is I like being alone, but I hate being lonely.

We never end up getting milkshakes, but we go to the river that separated out tiny civilization and the more rural parts of Georgia. Sometimes we kayak across the river at night and take fresh peaches from the orchards across the river. We never get caught because nobody suspects us. I go alone, as usual. I ran from florida to here. In florida it is really big and crowded daily. I ran from everything: Chris, my family, and my friends. I was popular in my old school, but I just want to be independent here. I have my dream life here.

Being in a small town is beautiful.


Really long chapter. And i have nothing else to say. Okay see you next time!

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