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I closed my eyes and took a deep breath..Inhale---Exhale
I opened my eyes to admire the new school I'll be going to. I gotta say it looks pretty nice than the last school I've been in.. I sighed at the thoughts crossing my mind

What if...no! Be positive for once!

I started walking up slowly in the corner few students walk passed me
I started walking slower than before was I too scared?
I stopped in my tracks almost all the students had changed their shoes
While I'm still in the corner..
I started catching up with some students. Then I noticed who was I catching up with..

The girls who betrayed me years ago

We didnt actually attended the same school but I used to live in the same neighborhood as them. I recognize them clearly, how could I forget about them? They're obviously selfish people. Although I do like their new and colorful hair.

Will they remember me? I hope not
I started walking slowly again
Finding out they attend this school made me anxious.
I didnt even realize I stopped walking

Too much thoughts ran into my head..
I have to be diffrent this time, I cant be all trusting and-


"Just what exactly are you doing standing there?!" I was pushed aside by some blonde dude. "Sorry?" I apologized.. "Tch!" He just responded
That was mean I raised an eyebrow examining them, Why would they carry a weapon though?
Not important I need to go to class
I changed my shoes then went to
class 3-1 atleast.. I tried to.
Okay, Where the heck is my class!

For the first in forever I manage to find my class withought any help :)
Although It took me 25 or more minutes to find it!
I slide the door open, all eyes were on me. "Ah, youre late.. come in" The teacher said, I approached her "Please introduce yourself" She said
"My name-" I was cut off by the door being slammed open

Poor door ;-;

The teacher sighed looking frustrated
Oh its him.. The guy who pushed me over this morning.

"New school year and your being late" She pointed out "Please be class on time" She continued "I dont care" He said, the teacher just ignored him
He sat down on an empty chair/desk
"My names Y/N L/N, Nice to meet you all" I introduced, I forced myself to smile but I could already tell I wont be having a great time here..
The teacher told me to take a seat and I started walking over to the empty desk behind that blonde dude
He glared at me as I passed by him


Lunch finally came and I am starving!
I didnt get to bring any food either since my stepmother was being an a**hole this morning.

"What should I eat?"I said quite frustrated for the fact I wont be eating lunch at the first day of school
Doesnt matter I'm just gonna buy a soda.

The soda finally fall down out of the vending machine, I kneeled down to get it.. After I opened it I accidently bumped into someone causing it to pour out "I am so sorry! I didnt see you there" I apologized

"Its fine, I have an extra uniform in my locker anyway" The girl with dark purple amd green hair said
"The names Gita Yamahato" She introduced "Y/N L/N"
"Well it is nice to meet you Y/N"She smiled " Same goes to you"I replied

"Uhm.. Hey Y/N, Could you accompany
Me to the shower room?" She asked
"Sure" I said "What for though?" I asked curious as we started walking our way to the back of the school

I opened the door the way out to the back of the school..
"Well theres delinquents here" She said, We walk our way pass the
so-called delinquents..
I realized they're the guys from earlier. In the middle of them is a radio with playing an epic soundtrack

I started walking slower
"Beat it" The blonde with the yellow t-shirt underneath said
Gita noticed this, she grabbed my wrist and hurried to the shower room
"So they're the delinquents you speak of?" I asked raising an eyebrow
She nodded.. We walked in the shower room. "Umeji Guchi.. Guchi? Is the leader as I recall" She said scratching her head

"Yeah, Im guessing you got his last name wrong but hey Umeji Guchi aint that bad" I smiled, she just giggled
"Wait for me here" She said I nodded


She finally finished changing
And we walked out of the shower room. "You know Gita we could've walked this way" I pointed at our right.. "Hehe"

* Edited *

I got you into the wrong classroom, you're in Class 3-1 same as Umeji

Out! of my League | Umeji Kizuguchi x Reader [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now