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Y/Ns P.O.V

Is it really true? This Osoro took down a whole group by herself, predominantly infront of our school, this school for that matter!

According to Ayano the delinquents were victims of bullying and had witnessed Osoros violent way to victory and became like her.
Getting themselves intimidating looks and bad reputation just so they won't be hurt again, not to the point of suicide.

Come to think of it, Ayano never said anything about Umejis crush but only about Osoro. It doesn't make sense.

Or- maybe it does?

What if this Osoro she was talking about is Umejis potential crush?!
I mean, if the rumors ARE true then I don't stand a chance against her! Why am I stressing about this again, oh right..

"Hey, Gita?" I called as I enter the Light Music Club room, she hummed and Gitas eyes looked directly at me from the small stadium.
"Is it true, about a student here beating a group from another school?" I asked, wishing deeply in the inside that it wasn't.
"Apparently, yes that event actually happened. It was shocking to all of us of course." Gita answered looking back at her guitar

"Why did you suddenly asked anyway?" Kiba asked, shifting my head beside the green haired lady where Kiba lies with her drums.
"Uhm, no reason. Just heard about it from Ayano"

"You mean that weird girl?" Dora asked her right eyebrow arises.
"Ayanos... not.. weird" I said slowly as I recalled that she seemed so apathetic to be normal.
"I heard her laugh once just outside of our club room" Miyuji exclaimed

Now we're starting gossiping about Ayano, I felt uncomfortable but just leave it at that and did our club performances.

Walking home I noticed a rather suggesting presence behind me.
I turned around to meet with golden yellow eyes widened when I spun around. Umeji seems startled when I did so, "U-umeji? Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked him, stuttering in the process.

His hands behind his soft locks, scratching them intensely while his cheeks painted into bright red.
"Gakus house is the same way as yours, nothing wrong going on here"
"I see.. I thought you we're-"
"Following you? Please, don't dream of it" He chuckled in a really ludicrous way, probobly making fun of me.
As much as my blood boiled inside of my body, I just couldn't get to do it.

I was too tired to so I forced a snicker, Not looking affected by his statement.

Umeji Kizuguchi P.O.V

She only snickered at what I said, my mouth turned into a discreet frown.
I was kinda hoping she'll be talkative today.

Not that I miss her or anything

"Where's Gaku, anyway?"

"Going home?"

"No shit sherlock"

"Then shouldn't he be with you? You are going to his residence.. or were you?" Her eyes squint after my foul-mouthed statement.

Shit! Great plan I had just now

"He cut class" I said, trying to sound blunt to prevent any suspicions.
"Yeah, right!" She replied sarcastically condescending.

We started walking again, me walking behind her. I could tell she feels tense in which I'm wondering about.
After the past sixteen minutes she suddenly stopped and looked at me

"You're still here, are you really-"

"Hideo! Y/Ns home, unlock the gate for her" We heard someone yell inside the house. Wait, is this her house?! I followed her so far that it looked like I walked her home. Can't blame her for thinking I really did NOT intend to visit Gaku.

Gaku's in the next few streets anyway I guess I could go around it and go home, why did I bother to come here then?

Hearing the gate slightly clank, creaking as a little boy opened it for her. Y/N walked inside locking the door after then stared at me
"See you later" She walked away her brother I assumed glared at me, glaring back sounded childish as the person I'm facing looks ten seven years younger than me.

Hideo stuck his tounge out and stomped his foot away.

Y/Ns P.O.V

"See you later"

My line made me swoon to the moon, only if he could've said it back. Either way, it sounded truly romantic on my side if it wasn't for the gates metal bars.

Walking inside, I was greeted by my mom, "Who was that man outside?"
"He doesn't look friendly" Mom continued. "He isn't.. I guess" I only replied and went after my room and shrieked furiously on my pillow.

"Do I really think of him that way?!"

The memory of him with his hand behind his golden locks, his cheeks turning bright red.

"So cute.. It looked like it came out of an anime"I said to myself, my face burning. "If you keep doing that, you'll get a fever" I heard a voice say.

"Hideo!" I shouted "Get out of my room!" He shook his head "Nuh-uh, not when you tell me who was that awesome looking dude that walked you home!"His exclamatory remark made me utterly confused.

"You think he's cool? Plus, he didn't walked me home" I assured.
"Really now? I saw him turn around back away when you left" He explained hardly.

"Look, just get out or I'll throw you out the window"

Let's just say I did that before

A/N: Heya, it's been.. uh.. three months since my last update and thus chapter is anything but exciting. I'm trying my best to update this as soon as possible and finish this story forever so I might actually get to it the next chapter but for now have this horrible one.

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