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¢нαρтєя тняєє

Its been two weeks after my first day in Akademi High its honestly fun being in the Light Music Club too
My only damn problem is the delinquents.. That guy Umeji would often give me glares everytime I pass by plus he and his group would often go to the arcade and hell I dont wanna be caught up in their own mess like last time

As I was walking towards my class
A girl bumped into me
"Ugh, sorry? But you better watch where your going" The girl with magenta dyed hair said.. Wait that voice its.. Kokoro
"Uhm, Your the one whos just looking at your phone while walking and you tell me to watch where Im going?" I crossed my arms, she groaned
"Well if you knew that I was busy with my phone you should've let me through withought bumping each other.. Ugh.. Later loser!" She then walked passed me leaving a remark

"That little biotch" I whispered under my breath.. I then continued making my way through my class

I slide the door open and sat at my sit
I seemed early today..

Umeji P.O.V

That girl is something, she even have the guts to talk to me like that in the arcade.. Normally girls would fear me uhmm.Us.. But this girl is different

I gotta say color me impressed
Nobody has been that tough when it comes to us

Speaking about us this weird girl messed with me so Imma teach her a lesson but this student council white haired freak stopped us and even reported me to the council
Like.. Seriously?!

Currently, I'm in a middle of a conversation with the council
She sighed "Are you not giving me a reply?" She asked "Tch"
"I guess thats a yes, Umeji you've been reported a couple times last week and if you ever gonna be reported again you'll be suspended or worse expelled" She explained

"I dont care"I shrugged, she sighed once again "You may leave and go to your classroom this early but try not to get into another fight" She said

I left the room wait what she say?!
I gotta go to class this early
Damn it! That white haired freak is here too "Get to class as the council said" She ordered

Great.. Just great

"That little council, that little white haired freak, that weird girl, that tough girl just always makes my blood boil" I mumbled as I reached the classroom and walked into my desk

When I noticed the girl with H/L H/C hair, why is she early? Doesnt matter
She was laying her head and arms on the desk too other than being early

I pulled the chair to sit but.. I was curious if she was sleeping or awake
I looked over at her to see her features.. I could tell she has soft S/C skin, Smooth H/L H/C hair and her eyes.. Well she has her eyes closed but I remember it was sparkling E/C eyes

"I would like to rest withought anyone staring at me" She opened her eyes and speak ... "Wah, your awake?" i asked blushing "Yeah, Its not like I could sleep here right?" She smiled
Has she already forgotten that I'm the dude she messed with at the arcade?!

"By the way why were you staring at me, smirking too its really creepy" She exclaimed.. "Uh.. I wasnt" I lied
"Yeah, you dont need to lie I caught you red handed anyway" She smirked
I pouted and sat down infront of her since she was sitting behind my desk

Yeah, she sure is different I suppose

Y/Ns P.O.V

I decided to just relax and take a quick rest as I put my arms on the desk and lay my head above it
Few seconds later hearing the door slide open, hearing faint whispers

That I may or may not speak or understand

I heard the chair infront of me was moved but stopped, I could hear fooststeps came towards me and I could already tell that person who came in is staring at me

"I would like to rest withought anyone staring at me" I opened my eyes
"Wah.. Your awake?!" Umeji asked bright red "Yeah, its not like I could sleep here right?" I smiled at him
I felt like I was forgetting something but I shrugged it off

"By the way why were you staring at me, smirking too its really creepy" I exclaimed "Uh, I wasnt!" I smirked
"Yeah, you dont need to lie I caught you red handed" Why do I feel like teasing him about this

He pouted in emberrassment and sat down on his sit.
I do am digging his hairstyle,pfft, I mean its only the hair.. I love the blonde color plus it kinda matches with his eyes that I noticed that should be glaring at me right now but I guess he got shy about what happend

What I didnt noticed is that I'm playing with his hair
"Uh.. What in the name of fucking Zues are you doing?" He cursed
"Geez, Why gotta use profanity?
I'm sorry I was lost in my thoughts"
I apologized

He just 'tch' me, like is that your way to responde?

Out! of my League | Umeji Kizuguchi x Reader [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now