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Y/Ns P.O.V

Class finally started but I couldnt help to feel embarrassed, I guess sometimes I just couldnt control myself..

Class ended like a flash and everyone started go to their group of friends
And eat their lunch. Meanwhile, Here I am trying to find Gita somewhere in this school.

Bad luck is at my side today
I saw Kokoro walking around the halls. What if she recognize me?
Well, there is no way though I have changed physically

I walked passed her, when I finally going to reach the end of the hall where the stairs was
"Hey you, do I know you from somewhere?"Kokoro called
I pretended not hearing her and just ignored her and walked downstairs

A few minutes passed I decided to just eat my lunch time at the rooftop.

School finally ended and made our seperate ways to home
But aint going home yet, Arcade here we go! There was alot of people in here this time most of them were boys but I didnt mind yet I do feel uncomfortable

I was just minding my own business when a dude started to push me aside while playing his game. Our shoulders touching each other. It was obvious he was doing it on purpose so I pushed back.. Atleast tried

"Why is a little girl like you doing here all alone?" He asked grinning
"Shes not alone, you bastard" I heard
Someone has parted him away from me. "Who the hell are you?!" The boy asked "Doesnt matter, Just go play your game withought messing with others whose minding their business" He told the boy and grabbed my wrist and pulled me far away from that creepy dude

"You know I can handle him myself Umeji" I exclaimed, now hes pulling me outside the arcade
"You sure?" He glared, "Okay fine, I did have a hard time dealing with him, I owe you one" I said looking down. We stopped right outside the arcade and he just looks at me
His eyes were like waiting for me to speak. I just rose my eyebrow in confusion, "Name?" He asked
"Its Y/N, Didnt I introduced myself at the first day of school?" I told him, he just shrugged "I didnt listened" He turn around his back facing me
"I could see that" I said in a monotone

"Why'd you do that?" I questioned
He didnt reply instead just started walking away, rude!
"Be careful now, N/N!" He yelled out in the distance.. Did he just called me
N/N? I guess I have a nickname now
I actually never had one before


I didnt slept well last night, I have my
own reasons why

I yawned while walking around the school, I dont really have a usual routine during this hour of school
All students here already have theirs
Talk with a group of friends, read, walk around with your phones and etc

Oh, I know! Why dont I walk around outside, afterall I havent been able to look around exterior of this school
Well lucky me, Instead of going the other way, I go this way where does delinquents are near

Dang it!

I cant complain much though, going to the other way wont buy me sometime.

I just continued walking until Bad Luck appeared

"Hey, you with H/C hair!" I glanced at them, the idiot- uh.. Person who called me was someome with grey orbs
I just gave him a 'hm' for response

No words were said, they just glared at me, all of them..
"What took you so long?" one of them asked the persom who just came
"Got a little trouble while I was on the way"Umeji explained then his sight turned to me

I flinched, "Was that the girl Dairoku told us about?" The boy with blue eyes asked, Umeji simply nodded

I was looking at them, they were glaring at me.. Then my attention turned into that black haired girl
With a guitar case.

"Whats with the case?" The boy I assumed whos Dairoku asked
The girl didnt answer and just walked towards the incenarator

"Why are you carrying that? You're not even a member of the music club" I pointed out. She paused from walking to the incenarator.. Why do they even have that in school?
She then ran towards Umeji rapidly and tries to attack him.

What is wrong with this girl?
"Picking a fight huh?" Umeji scoffed
He took out his bat and attacked
But seems like the girl knew karate since she able to block all his attack and even counter attack him in the meantime

"Next time, it wont be this easy" Damn look at those bruises.. Hes holding his right arm while he started walking towards the bench right beside them

I sat beside him. "Are you okay? I can take you to the infirmary if you'd like" I told him, but he just shook his head
"No thanks" I'm very unsure whether I should convince him to take him to the infirmary or just leave him here

"A-are you sure?" I stuttered.
He just glared at me, "I am" He answered. I sighed in frustration I cant leave him like this
I put his left arm around my neck
"What are you-"

"I'm taking you to the school infirmary whether you like it or not" I furrowed my eyebrows.

Out! of my League | Umeji Kizuguchi x Reader [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now