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Y/Ns P.O.V

It's been a few days since that incident and neither have the two suspended students have yet to come. For some reason, I felt a bit lonely without him around

Come to think of it, the only friends I ever had here is Gita and Umeji. Though I don't think he will think the same about me as much as I hate to admit it.

The Light Music Club members had decided to just sing western music for this year, if you're wondering.

"Y/N-Chan!" I heard a soft voice from behind which made me startle a bit
I turned around and without a doubt of my expectations, it was Akane
"Ah, Good Morning, Akane!" I greeted
"I heard that you caught up in a fight from a few days ago, I don't reallu expect you to be the one to pick a fight" She said, grinning.

"Huh, n-no, I didn't fight anyone I just happened to be there at the wrong time" I explained, stuttering in the process. Akane and I had talked way back, I would've considered her as a another great friend of mine if she didn't looked so suspicious of me everytime we had the chance to chat,
It's probably just me who feels that way.

The red-head chuckled "Were you in that blond delinquents side during the quarrel?" She suddenly asked. For a second I was confused then my cheeks turned light pink once I understood what she was implying and she seems to have caught on my facial expression.

"Oh my-"

"It's not w-what you think it is, like I-I said, I just happened to be there at the wrong place at the wrong time!" I reassured unable to keep my voice from shaking.

"Well, just be careful, alright?"

"I will, see ya"

She turned back around again to check every club room like she always do. I took a deep breath and went to my classroom to take a nap during the free time.

As I walked down the aisle of the hallway, I heard multiple snickers from behind me. Knowing who it was, I chose not to be provoked by those degenerates.

"Heeyyy, Y/N! Are you and Umeji an item?" Kokoro teased from my the side of my ear. "Answer the question, Y/N" Another annoying voice came to the other side, Hoshiko.

I tried not to get them into me, So I quickly sprinted away from them.

Third Persons P.O.V

"Running away won't help you from us, Y/N!" Musume yelled from across the hall before forming a smirk at the corner of her lips and pulled out her phone.

A few weeks later..

Y/N dashed and turned from all around the school and finally made her way towards the Light Music Club, immediately opening it.

"Woah, since when did you had so many stalkers, Y/N" Dora asked, leaning towards the glass pane window from the room. "Somebody had spread rumors about her" Gita inquired, rubbing the h/c haired girl's back to comfort her.

"About what exactly?" Kiba questioned, making Gita shrug and say "I'm not sure either, some say that she's the delinquents toy, member of the delinquents gang, even the leaders girlfriend" Gita explained.

The other members cringed at Gita's statement, Miyuji kept a small smile on her face and comforted Y/N.

Umeji came, later than usual. But he cannot help but hear strange whisper and mumbles around him. When he made it at the back of the school, near the incinerator. His friends were doing the same though in a more teasing manner.

"Pfft- hey dude" Hayanari held back a laugh, Umeji's eyes furrowed, glaring at him.

"What the hell happened while I was gone?"

Out! of my League | Umeji Kizuguchi x Reader [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now