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¢нαρтєя тωσ


"Maybe you should join the light music club!" Gita suggested
"Light Music Club?" "Yeah, I'm a member of the club and was the leader last time too.." She explained
"I do play the piano and a little bit of guitar and bass" I replied
"Awesome! C'mon join the club, you wont regret it!" She said enthusiasticly "Fine" I said.

Bell rings, signaling that Lunchtime is over.. "See you later Y/N!" Gita waved goodbye and walked to her class
I did the same. Class began and this 'delinquent' dude cane late
As expected .. He wasnt even paying attention to the teacher and not even answsering seriously either
(that rhymed)

After class, it was time to clean the room. So I clean the windows while others do the rest. Minutes later some have already finished and Gita came inside walking towards me
"Hey Y/N you done yet?" She asked
"Yeah, do you need anything?" I replied "Well earlier you said you'll join the club" She smiled at me

We made our way to the Light Music Club in the second floor.
"Hey Gita, whos this?" A girl with red and black hair asked
"Her name is Y/N L/N, New student and she said she can play the piano, guitar and the bass" Gita answered
"A little bit of guitar and bass" I corrected, the girl who assume is the leader looked at me up and down
"So can she join?" Gita asked
"Hell ya!" She replied "We could really use someone to play the bass"She continued " The names Miyuji Shan, Club leader and of course the lead singer"She introduced

"This are the other club members" I glanced over the stage to see three others girls with such colorful and beautiful hair

"The names Dora Tamamoto, the drummer!" The girl with yellow hair said, "I'm Beshi Takamaine!" Smiled a girl that honestly looks like
Earth-Chan "Kiba Kawaito" Said the girl with cool grey and purple hair.



don't have my bass with me today because I didnt think they would have a music club. So I just watched them do the club activites and also let me play the piano while the time passes

"See ya tomorrow Newbie!" Miyuji said and waved at me, I waved back as we all went our seperate way to home. I still have time before I go home so I decided to visit the arcade
There isnt much kids here today
Wonder why?
I played two games before walking home but as I was in the middle of my game I heard noises from the other side of the room.

"What are you gonna do about it? Cry?" I heard, I stopped playing the game I was playing and walk towards where the voices was coming from

Then I saw the two blonde dudes who I'm guessing is part of the delinquents
Pushed a poor guy away, his push was strong and it made the boy fall over
"Hey!" I yelled and approached them and to help the boy
"What do you want bastard?" The guy who was in my class said
"You shouldnt just push people off like that!" I said "Hey, he has been in the arcade long enough than us, we just got here, I think its fair if we get a turn" He explained

"Umeji, Isnt that the girl from our school?" The boy with blue shirt asked
They noticed my uniform
"You still cant push someone like that, play another game or something or just come by another time" I told him
The guy in my class who I assume is Umeji glaring at me now.
We made eye contact for quite awhile

I swear I saw his cheeks tint pink for a second before he look away

"Tch, go home and dont even bother getting in our way" Umeji glared at me. The boy who was pushed pulled me away from them
"Thank you!" He thanked "No problem" I said "You ok?" I asked
He nodded. "Those guys-" He looks over at them "Are scary"

I shrugged "They look like a normal human being to me" I said


I finally got home and im now laying on my bed comfortably with my pillows and blankets..

I couldnt stop debating whether he did or did not blush when we were glaring at each other.. Wait- why am I even thinking about this?!

His face has scar on too.. Other than having yellow golden eyes that is..

Out! of my League | Umeji Kizuguchi x Reader [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now