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A/N: Your girl got sick and wasn't able to write and publish this chapter the same week as the last one! But anyway, give the author a round of applause for continuing this on and finally reached ten chapters.. I' give you a big clap to for staying with me on this

Alright, back to what you initially came for!

Y/Ns P.O.V

The movement of my foot quickly had a very languid pace while I was passing down the arcade.

The arcade may be small but I sure had alot meetings of him back there, now that I think about it, I haven't been there in a while.
Who knows, I might see him here again.

Snap out of it Y/N!

His face flushed back into my mind and I get more flustered when I do and he's not even here

"Dammit! It's not my fault he legitimately looks like a good-looking piece of trash!"

So, do I hate him or not!?

"Piece of trash? Who exactly are you talking about?" I heard a voice said from behind

"Haah? Oh, It's you.. if my memory serves you're Dairoku correct?" I exclaimed, "Yeah, you must be N/N"He clicked his tounge. "N/N?" Not that again! "Got it from Umeji, he talks about you once in a while usually when I ask him about you"  He explained

"You ask about me?" I gave him a confused or rather discomforted look "I-I didn't mean like that, I just noticed that you too seemed close and talk alot, not in a friend kinda way but still"He gave me a smug look

As I was about to object to whatever what he thought was going on between us, when the man himself came into view
"Speak of the devil"I said and Dairoku turned around to see his good ol' friend

"What are you chit chatting about?" He asked, his eyesbrows furrowed.
"You"He said, again with the smug look that is so looking forward to get a punch
"What about me?" He asked, "Nothing"Dairoku whistled innocently. Umeji huffed, annoyed.
"Let's go"He ordered and they went off without a goodbye.


"Gitaaa"I called, yawning after.
"What seems to be the problem Y/N?"She asked glancing at me
"Nothing"I smiled at her, She sighed and exclaimed "That's sure is getting annoying you know?"
I just let out an 'o' and felt guilty that I just wanted attention from my friend by acting cute.

I changed my shoes and so was the others, although the rest so as Gita left me hangin'
She doesn't look like in a good mood, I wonder what's up.
It was finally the time that the pastel girls change their shoes, I didn't want to get into an interaction, I don't want a unrequited reunion either.

When I was about to leave, they started whispering to each other.
I could barely hear it, unfortunately
"Stop for a moment"Musume called

Oh, Crap! There's nothing that will get me out of this, Come on Gita, come back! I'm so sorry, I love youuu as a friend.. save me!

"Turn around, dummy!" One of then said, Silently, I sighed and turned around to face them.
All five of them, standing together, looking at me.
"Hmph, I knew it, it's you"Musume closed her eyes then opened back up again, her bright blue eyes staring at me, softly.

I decided to NOT to play dumb for once in my life

"I'll take the talk on this one"  She said, taking step forward infront of me. Oh no..
"Look, I don't want any trouble with you, so is the rest of 'em." She pointed at her friends "I just want all things behind us and leave it there" She explained.
The vivid horror of myself getting drowned and the one doing the drowning on me was them of all people. "To be completely honest, I miss drowning you in a bucket of water and all but right now the last thing I need is getting a bad reputation because of you, so we expect you to be quite" She explained

Oh, that's what she meant.. that's right, I knew alot of things about them since we were friends back then but alot of things change

I nodded "Sure thing, as long as you leave me alone, that clear?" I gave them a cold tone, she seemd to shutter a bit but put on a fake smile.
"Great! Let's go girls!" She said calling her little minions.

I looked down with disgust and disappointment

"Move, peasant!" Someone yelled, I then got pushed into a wall by none other than the infamous drama club leader herself, Kizana.
I heard a few rumors about her around school, some we're nice, to say atleast while some we're unpleasant.

"What the? What's wrong with people today? First Gita being annoyed, second Musume giving me a fake smile then this!?" She chuckled at my complaint then said "Then what? You just gazed upon an angel!"She said, posing. I rolled my eyes and walked away from the devil with a tornado for a horn.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I groaned, I just hope whoever tapped my shoulder isn't here to give me a bad time.

Before I could I turn around, the person who tapped my shoulder walked infront of me from behind.
"Ah! Ayano, what'cha need?" I asked, surprised. "I just wanna tell you, You look lovely today!" She complimented
"Oh, uh, thanks!" I said, kinda stuttering and fluttered, that gave me a good mood

"Do you know her?" She asked, pointing at Kizana who was now talking to the plain dude. "Personally? No, but she sure is hell annoying" I explained. "Why did you asked?" I asked, she didn't gave me an answer.
She was looking at the plain dude Kizana was talking to with determination, admiration and lust
"Do you like him?" I asked
"Uh.. well, yeah"She said bluntly.
"Do you?" She then took out a sharp glare that seems to pierce my stomach

"Wh-what!? Of course not! I'm not really looking for a partnership!"I said, waving my hands for defence
"I see, what about you and Umeji?" She asked with emotionless eyes
"Uh.. we're not really friends just random beings being forced to talk to each other and fall in love because thats the whole point of this story"I explained giggling a bit.
"Story?" "Story?" "You know what? Nevermind" She said walking away but got a message. She stopped, then turned around once again and opened her mouth.

"You know.. It seems that Umeji has a crush on someone" She said, that caught my attention even more. "I'm listening" I said

Get ahold of yourself, you prick!

Ayano Aishi's P.O.V

"I'm listening" Y/N said, it's just sad to see her being all puppy love like this.
No doubt, that Umeji crush has to be Osoro, what are the other explanation will there be?

I shouldn't think too much ahead of this but this might be the only chance I get to force Y/N to leave Umeji alone or avoid him. If Umeji Kizuguchi grows feelings for Y/N then Umeji being Osoros suiter will be no more!

Oh, Shoot! Someone's going to steal your blonde deliquent, do whatever no matter what!

A/N: Just to clarify before comments go and flooding the comment section and telling me that Dairoku's out of character. All deliquents in the game has the same personalities do to make things more entertaining Dairoku here is a goofball. You finally met Kizana, how wonderful! Not!
Also, what'cha think Ayano's planning? Another thing to clarify, Ayano doesn't support Umeji x Osoro, it's for her 'Getting my senpai and he doesn't have a choice' scheme

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