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A/N: Okayy.. you probs wont read this if I actually put this in the end of chapter but maybe you will also skip this because this was not necessary, kinda.. but for your information an authors note is always necessary!

So.. it has been a long time, my dudes and I have come to write a new chapter at this ridiculous book of mine. After rereading this for almost a thousand of times, I came to the point that the storyline is not something I have in mind. I couldn't think of a good prompt or a great role for the reader other than being a new student like in every role you see in alot of books.
First off! The very first persona the reader showed was.. odd? I can't describe it really. But if you reread the first chapter, you'll notice that I made the reader, maybe.. overreacting?
Second, Umeji Kizuguchi and everyone else is out of character, In all honesty, I think I can imitate Umejis personality although its no fun if he always seems rude and timid towards new people.
Third, the readers friend and clubs, there's nothing really wrong or weird to the readers friend or the club, but I just really want it different, in most fanfictions its usually Midori, Saki, Kokona, the basu sisters and y'know the old goodies and I guess I was sick of it the same thing over and over.
Fourth, the cliché description of the reader and Umeji to each other, I don't what I was thinking whenever they get to observe each others physical appearance, expect more of this though
Fifth, yes in just six chapters I have a many problems to this. I don't think something like this has occurred yet but get ready for some unexplainable events?
Sixth, the lack of creativity and originality, pretty self-explanatory if you ask me. Its cliché, its very predictable, have seen too many times so I'm gonna try my best to keep it unique and different as possible

If you have read this all, please leave a comment of what you think of this book, I'll really appreciate that.

That is all.. I think? Thank you for reading, thoughtful and diligent reader! Now back to business!

"I'm too tired for this!" Y/N groaned, She felt such heavy weight on her back.
Why exactly? Well let us have a one sentence flashback from the last chapter

'I playfully smacked the back of his head, We both went home safely'

"Neither do I, So I made you do it" He replied in a monotone. "I swear if I get a backache because of you you're dead!"You glared at him.

You're not really having a playful moment with Umeji, sadly
But he sure is having fun messing with you.

"Thats it! I'm going home!" You yelled, threw his bag to the other side of the road, damn skills

"H-Hey! Hold on a second!"he grabbed your wrist and pulled you to the other side to get his bag that you just threw.
You sighed, "Okay, what now?" You asked

Instead of answering, he glared at you and pulled your wrist to God knows where. "Where are we going?
They walked for around five minutes before Y/N gets to notice where the teenager was taking her.

"What are we doing here?" You asked, he pulled you over all the way to Shisuta Town for what!?

"Woah, what's going on here? There's alot of people" You said
He then dragged you all the way to the street right next to it.
"Hey Kazoochi? Correct me if I'm wrong, but actually dont.. what are we doing here?" she asked once again
Umeji seemed triggered by the Kazoochi part.. Can't say I blame a guy

"Its UMEJI KIZUGUCHI! Get that to your head!" He yelled but not enough to get the whole streets attention since whole humanity was louder than him.

Out! of my League | Umeji Kizuguchi x Reader [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now