Chapter 2

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(Your point of view)

"Wait, really?" Jonathan asked. Every single of them was surprised, even that little Jotaro.

"Yeah, you look like you need some help. Maybe I could find a part time job so you can go to school..."

"Oh no! Anything but school!" Joseph weeped.

"You are old enough to go to school, you should go" I told him.

"But I don't wannaaaaa~" He whimpered.

"School is fun, Joseph" Jonathan said with a smile. "You learn all kinds of stuff, like history"

"You like school cause you're a super nerd"

"Hey hey!" I intervened "Joseph, apologize to Jonathan. Now!"

"Mphhh. Sooooorry Jonathan?" Joseph raised his eyebrows.

"It's ok, just try not to say those types of things next time" Jonathan smiled.

He's so nice, and for his age he's really mature. This kid will be a great help to me.

"Well, first of all, I have to get a job before I can take you to school, so that we have incoming money" I said.

"What does incomee mean?" Josuke was sitting on a couch.

"Incoming means that it's payed to you once or twice a month." Jonathan explained.

"Oh" Josuke gave a look of understanding.

I smiled at this and then noticed Jotaro wasn't here. "Where's Jotaro?" I asked

"Probably in his room" Josuke said.

Then I stood up (I was sitting on the floor) and walked to the corridor. The house consisted on a living room where I was before which had a door on one side, and on the other side the kitchen was conected to the living room without a wall to separate them. Then to the sides of the kitchen there were two corridors, with three doors each.

As I walked to one corridor, I opened the first door, and saw a simple room with lots of books. And a large desk. It's probably Jonathan's. The next room was a bit more light hearted and childish, with papers filled with drawings scattered all across the floor.

The doors on the other side of that corridor where a bathroom and a bedroom with a big bed.

On the other corridor, I found Jotaro resting on his bed looking at the ceiling.

"Fuck off" he spouted.

What did he just say? He's only seven!

"Excuse me?" I said. Now, a little kid like him can't disrespect me like that.

But after that, he turned sideways and ignored me.

"Jotaro, what's wrong?" I said a bit calmer.

"Leave me alone, I don't even know you"

Oh boy, was this boy going to be a challenge. I closed the door and went back to the living room. Giorno greeted me.

"(Y/N)... I'm hungry..." He said.

"I'll see what I can do, Giorno"
As I walked to the kitchen, Jonathan approached me and opened the fridge so I could take a look inside. There was almost nothing. He didn't lie when he said they were trying not to spend much.

I closed the fridge and walked to the kids.

"So, what would you guys want for lunch?" I asked.

"FRIED CHICKEN FRIED CHICKEN FRIED CHICKEN" Joseph enthusiastically shouted.

"We don't have chicken Joseph" Jonathan explained.


Hmm, we could either make cheese sandwiches or... "Would you guys want some pasta?"

Giorno's eyes immediately sparkled. "Yesss" he was really happy.

And so, with Jonathan's help, I cooked spaghetti with tomato sauce.

"I had never prepared pasta before" he said.

And some minutes later, the pasta was served. Joseph brought Jotaro who had stayed in his room ever since I appeared.

Giorno couldn't be happier. He was eating the meal full speed.

Josuke, in the other hand, was a bit doubtful about it. "I don't want to eat this" He said

"But Josuke, this food is great!" Giorno told him.

"Just try a little bit Josuke, I know you will like it" I told him.

"But... But..." The pompadour didn't like that idea.

"Ah, I know! Jotaro, grab his arm, Jonathan, grab the other one, we're gonna MAKE him eat this" Joseph yelled.

"Nooooo!" Josuke got scared and tried to escape. Joseph followed him.

"Don't, Joseph" I bellowed. "Josuke, if you want to, don't eat it, but at least try it please"

"If I try it that means I don't have to eat it?" Josuke whined.

"Yeah" I said smiling.

"Ok, I'll try it" He sat down and swirled some spaghetti. He hesitated for a second but then swallowed it.
Josuke squealed with joy and started eating.

After everybody finished eating, I cleaned the dishes, but then I thought... Where am I going to sleep?

The kids were already in their pijamas. Jonathan was wearing striped pajamas, Joseph some navy blue plain ones, Jotaro wore black pijamas with a dolphin picture, Josuke was wearing some purple ones with a heart and peace sign pattern, and Giorno was wearing a ladybug pattern.

"(Y/N) are you going to give us a good night kiss?" Giorno asked.

"Sure, I will" I smiled.

As I kissed everyone good night (But Jotaro who refused to receive my kiss), I realized none of them was sleeping in the room that had the big bed, so I lay there till I was asleep.

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