Chapter 9

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Some weeks have passed since the kids started taking care of me, and now I feel much better! If it weren't for those children I don't know what I would do.

I went back to working a couple of days ago and Tonio unexpectedly gave me a lot of money to not only compensate the days I was gone but also a lot of it as a gift.

So now, October the 29th, I'm going to a designer to buy the kids' costumes for Halloween.

Jonathan told me he wanted to be the hero in his stories, Joseph Superman (he loves reading those comics), Jotaro surprisingly asked me to buy him a dolphin costume, Josuke wanted a Prince outfit and Giorno a ladybug onesie.

When the costumes were ready, the morning of the 31th, I took those home and showed them to the kids.


"This is... (y/n)! This is outstanding! Thank you so much! This is all I wanted and more!" Jonathan ran to hug me. I pat his head.

Josuke brought his CD Player and played his Prince album while dancing and singing to 'In This Bed Eye Scream' "This is my dream come true!"

Jotaro had the costume wrapped around his arms, probably waiting till last minute to put it on. However, he did give me a grin.

Giorno was laughing of joy. "I love it I love it I love it!"

"Ok kids, we should all stay close to each other when we go trick or treating, ok? Joseph, try to escape and I'll take your comics for a whole month, undertood?"
Joseph nodded, scared.

We went outside to find a decorated street full of children. The kids' eyes glittered.

Everything was going great, the kids were getting so many candies I would have to confiscate some of them afterwards to prevent cavities.

That was until Giorno bumped into another kid.
"Giogio are you ok?" I asked him as I helped him get up. The other kid was wearing a werewolf costume. I looked to see who looked as his father running towards us. An attractive man with bob hair. Next to him was another man. This one was tall with long, white hair. He looked like a goth.

The bob haired man spoke up "I'm sorry Mista bumped into your kid. He was running and that happened. Mista, say sorry."

Mista apparently, looked at Giorno as if he knew him from somewhere but didn't know where from, and then shook his head. "I'm very sorry!"

More kids arrived after the goth. Those were a blonde kid with tidy hair and a surgeon costume, an extremely adorable kid with dark hair, the most beautiful purple eyes and what looked like a Kenshiro from Fist of the Northstar costume; and a small pink haired girl with a pop star costume.

The cute boy looked at Jonathan with bright eyes. "YOU LOOK LIKE IRL KENSHIRO! HOW?!"

"Oh, I don't know what you're talking about, I'm wearing a costume of the hero of my favorite story!" He responded with a smile.

"Seems like they are getting along great. My name is Bruno Bucciarati, this one right here is Leone, and my kids are Mista, Narancia, Fugo and Trish. Nice to meet you."

"Oh, nice to meet you! My name is (y/n). These are Jonathan, Josuke, Joseph, Jotaro and Giorno."

"Giorno? I strangely find that name familiar. Maybe it's a long lost friend. Anyway, those look like great children... But you named five kids. I only see four."

My blood froze instantly.

"FOUR??!! That's bad luck!!" Mista whimpered"

Of course. It had to be him.

"Do you want us to help you find him?" Bucciarati suggested.

"I would love it. I'm sorry I am being such nuisance to you." I felt guilty.

"Not at all. What does he look like?"

"He's a brunette with a Superman costume"

Bruno then turned around and said something to his kids. I noticed Leone giving a mean look to Giorno. What?
Then his kids started running into different directions. I could hear them shouting band names, like Aerosmith and Sex Pistols.

Then the most unexpected thing happened. Different types of ghosts appeared. A toy battle plane, some yellow little guys, and an alien-looking pink girl. Fugo didn't seem to have spawned any of them by the look on his face.

"Wha- what are those??" I shaked.

"You can see them?" Leone asked and I nodded. "They are Stands. A visual manifestation of one's fighting spirit. They come in different forms and have different abilities. It seems like you have one. If you didn't, you wouldn't be able to see them. And by the look of your kids, it seems like they have one too."

"Guys, can you see those?" I pointed at the ghosts.

"What are you talking about?" Jonathan asked, confused.

"Yes. They remind me of Crazy D" Josuke commented.

"Crazy D?"

And then Josuke summoned a pink kid with a diamond armor. It had hearts all over it.

"It looks like Star"

"Who's Star?"

Jotaro summoned a purple warrior kid.

I was interrupted by Giorno. Giogio not you too?? "I have one too, look, this is Goldie"
Giorno's was more like Trish's. It was humanoid yet less human than Jotaro's and Josuke's. It was golden with alien green eyes.

"What is happening? What are you all talking about?" Jonathan started to get nervous.

"Seems like your kids do have Stands."

I kneeled down to the three stand user kids "kids, did you have those all along?"

"We have them for as long as we can remember. But I hadn't seen the others' friendpals"

He calls them friendpals. Weren't they called Stands?

"GHOSTS!! GHOSTS ARE COMING FOR ME!!" I turned around to see Joseph running away full speed from the other kids Stands. Omg Joseph too?
He hid behind my leg, hugging it. Then he saw Giorno's, Josuke's and Jotaro's Stands. He screamed, scared. I hugged him and told him not to worry "Don't worry Joseph, they won't hurt you... (I think so) It's ok"

"I'm sorry for running away... mom..." He was crying.

Bucciarati walked to me. "It seems like you don't have any experience with stands. If you want, I could give you some tips for dealing with your kids' stands."

"Bruno-" Leone tried to interrupt him but Bucciarati continued.

"I can tell some of them have very strong Stands. So do be careful. We have to go now, so take care, all of you. It was nice meeting you all"

We then went back home. I couldn't sleep knowing that my kids had these weird ghosts.

Thank you all so much for
the support!!
I'm sorry I couldn't update the
remaining special chapters,
I had all these final exams
but I will surely post them
in the near future.
Today I wanted to do
something many of you guys asked
Hope you enjoy it!!
Also, I did a drawing with the kids' costumes

 Today I wanted to do something many of you guys askedHope you enjoy it!!Also, I did a drawing with the kids' costumes

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