Chapter 11

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"Knock knock" I heard as I woke up to this sudden noise.

"Knock knock"

I quickly put on an oversized hoodie and some slippers and hurry to the door. I look at the clock in the living room. It's 6am.

When I open the door, there was no one outside. Or so it seemed until I looked down.

"Um... where am I?" A little girl, with the most beautiful hair asked. She looked as if she was about to cry. I knelt down.

"Are you lost?" I said in a sweet voice. "What's the name of your parents? We can go ask the police for help. I have a police friend, Leone, he will help us"

The girl took a step back at the sound of the word police. "I... don't remember who my parents are. Why don't I remember anything?"

Could it be? Was she like us?
"What's your name sweetie?"

"My name... my name is Jolyne" I saw she looked behind me and her eyes widened.

I looked behind. It was Jotaro, in his black pijamas with clam drawings. He was rubbing his aquamarine eyes with thick eyelashes.

"Oh, Jotaro... what are you doing awake this early?"

He took a while to answer and then said "I heard knocks and came in case it was someone dangerous."

When did he become so protective? That's adorable!

Now, back to Jolyne. If she's like us, then that would mean she would have to stay with us.
But there could be another case. She flinched at the sound of me saying police. Maybe she ran away.

I don't think that's the case.
Wait a minute. JOlyne. JOtaro. JOnathan. JOseph. JOsuke. Why do they all start in Jo?? Why is little Giorno the only different one?

Nevermind that, I should let the girl in. She looks scared and confused.

"Jolyne, would you like to come in? I can make you some hot chocolate if you want"

"Yes please" she yawned. She looks so tired.

I went to the kitchen and microwaved some chocolate milk. "You can sleep in my bed if you want to, you look really tired Jolyne"

"Uh- thanks!" She said as she sat on the sofa of the living room, staring still at Jotaro.

They were glaring at each other. Suddenly Jolyne stuck her tongue at him.

"Yare yare" I heard Jotaro mumble.

"So, Jolyne, how old are you?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm six years old"

Just like Josuke! Maybe they become great friends. I hope so.
I look at the boy in pijamas who is sitting on the sofa. I truly hope Jotaro gets along with her.

I walk to Jotaro and kneel to eye level. "Jotaro, could you show Jolyne around the house? Quietly not to wake up the others"

"Are we still going to the pool today?"

"Yeah, of course, I promise"

"Good... Ok I will do that"

Woah that was easy. I wonder why Jotaro took such liking to her. He always takes so long to trust someone.

While they were doing that, I washed the dishes and headed to my room. I made some space so that there was room for Jolyne to sleep.

Some minutes later, I spotted Jotaro and Jolyne by my room's door.

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