Chapter 5

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So two weeks have passed since I arrived at the house.

I still have no idea of who I am, where I'm from, but I've kinda grown fond of the children. You could say they are unique. It amazes me how different they are from each other.

I've taken the job Speedwagon recommended me and we're living with what I earn there. Tonio's a kind yet mysterious man. The fact that he cooks the meals based on how the clients look like rather than offering them a written menu is odd, but people seem to enjoy the food.

Anyway, the children started going to school. They have made some friends there, which I really love to see. They seem to be enjoying school, even Joseph who didn't like the idea at first. But the thing that I love the most is that they only have to go in the morning, and have all the afternoon to spend time with them.

And now, we're taking a small trip to the town's woods, for a little adventure. We're currently taking the bus to the nearest station.

It's hard taking care of five children. Joseph is always pranking people or screaming, Josuke always helps Joseph with his pranks, although he's a bit more sensible and shy, and way friendlier.

Giorno is a sweet baby. He likes to stick around me, and never cries. He's not easily scared, yet caring, curious and cuddly.

Jonathan is the most similar to Giorno. I always think Jonathan is a bigger Giorno. He's such a reliable, caring and helpful little man. He's really calm, and helps me when I can't anymore.

Jotaro, on the other hand...
Where do I even start? I mean, I still love him, but it makes me sad that he's so distant. Every time I want to get closer to him, he shuts himself off. He doesn't want anything to do with me.
I wish he was more open, I wish he would tell me what was going on in his head.

Every kid had his own backpack. Jonathan's was cerulean blue; Joseph's was pine green; Jotaro's was deep blue; Josuke's was Indigo; and Giorno's was ladybug shaped.

We alighted from the bus. Josuke and Giorno holding my hands, while Joseph, Jotaro and Jonathan got off before us.

The forest, full of pine trees, was waiting for us just after the bus stop.

"This is gonna be fun!" Joseph cheered.

"Don't forget to stay close" Jonathan warned him as we entered the forest.

"Yeah yeah... Look at that Jonathan!" He pointed randomly, and Jonathan turned around in curiosity. After that Joseph dashed through the trees until there was no more sight of him. Oh god. What am I gonna do??

"Joseph come back!!" I screamed. While I desperately looked around, Jotaro started walking in a certain direction, ignoring me.
"Jotaro what do you think you are doing?"

He still was ignoring me. Sigh.

I approached him and took his arm. "Look, we are staying all together now. We need to find Joseph soon..."

He just shook my hand off and continued walking.

I stood right in front of him.

"You're not my mom, bitch! Get the hell away from me!" He spouted, and ran off before I could catch him.

OH NO! NOW TWO OF THEM?! I felt devastated. How could I have ever let that happen?! I wanted to cry, but then I saw Jonathan, who was as ashamed as I was, Josuke and Giorno. I have to be strong for them.

"I-I'm... I'm sorry (y/n)!!" Jonathan cried "This is all my fault!"

I knelt and hugged Jonathan. He sobbed, and hugged me back. While he cried, tugging my shirt, I pat him on the back. Suddenly Giorno hugged my right side, and Josuke followed afterwards.
"It's not your fault, Jonathan..."
We stayed like that for a minute and then I stood up.

"Feel better now?" I asked Jonathan, who was rubbing his eyes.

"Yes... Come on, we must find them soon... Oh, (y/n) I have an idea!" He looked at me.

"Hm?" I lifted my jaw.

"What if we separate into two groups? You can go find Jotaro and me and the others can go find Joseph, he might not be that far anyway!" His stare was... odd. It was as if he wanted me to find Jotaro for a reason.

I trust his gut feeling. Even at the age of nine, Jonathan was wise. I nodded and we parted ways.

Thank you all so much
for your support!!
Never thought it would get this far!
I'm terribly sorry I didn't update
earlier, I've been really busy.
Anyway, this chapter has an open ending...
Because tomorrow there will be another chapter!!

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