Chapter 4

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While I was walking, with Giorno sitting on my shoulders, I looked around. It seemed like a small town, with nice houses and stuff. There were little slots of unused terrain with vegetation growing everywhere, and when we got further, I could spot some little shops.

"Hey (y/n), when are we going to the park?" Joseph asked.

"Once we find one" I answered.

As we walked, Joseph and Josuke were making little races, and Giorno was humming some melody.

Jonathan soon approached me. "(Y/n), I was meaning to ask you... are we going to go to school someday? I would really appreciate it if I could learn new facts about history"

Man, does this kid speak great, where did he learn all those words? "Well, first of all I would need to get a job so I can pay for the school..."

"But there are state schools around here, you do not have to pay for school at all" Jonathan explained.

Well, that's useful. But still, I do need to get a job so that we can buy some descent food.

"PARK!" Joseph shouted, and ran to what looked like a beautiful park with children games and a pond. The others followed, excited for the swings first. But because there only were two, only Joseph and Jotaro were able to get there. Josuke was whining about how he wanted to play with the swings, while Jonathan tried to calm him down asking Josuke to go and play with him. Meanwhile, Giorno was checking out some bugs.

I sat down at a bench and inspected the place. There were barely any people besides us. There was a man looking after two little boys. One had curly, red hair, while the other was blonde and wore two feathers on the sides of his hair. There were what looked like pink birthmarks on his cheeks.

"(Y/N), look at these, aren't they beautiful?" I heard a soft voice say. It was Giorno, who was showing me something he had on his hands... OH NO IT'S A BUG.
I eeked but then looked at Giorno's disappointed look.

"Don't you like them?" He asked. "These are ladybugs, they are harmless"

"Oh... I'm sorry I reacted that way Giorno, the truth is, I don't like bugs much, but if it's a harmless little bug like that one, it's an ok for me hehe" I smiled, trying to save the situation.

A few minutes later, Josuke approached me. "(Y/n), wanna play tag with us?"
Behind the kids were two new boys. One was blonde and had sole pink birthmarks beneath the eyes. He looked about Joseph's age; and then there was another one with dark pinkish red hair, with was tidily groomed hair and what looked like a noodle lock which looked Jotaro's age.

"Oh, hey...?" I looked at the kids.

"I'm Kakyoin" The red head said.

"I'm Caesar" The blonde mentioned.

I observed curiously and then stared at Josuke. "Yeah sure" I said, smiling.

"You're it!" He shouted and started running away, giggling.

"NIGERUNDAYOOOO" Joseph screamed, running weirdly.

I tried to touch Jotaro, who to my surprise had joined the game, but Kakyoin threw himself in front.

"Jotaro, run!" He shouted.

"Kakyoin's it now!" Joseph yelled, and the redhead glared at the rest. Eventually he was chasing Jonathan, who cried in laughter while running away from him. But no! Suddenly, Kakyoin changed direction and was able to touch Caesar, who grunted. Joseph just laughed at that.

"OH JOSEPH YOU'RE FIRST" Caesar ran straight to Joseph.

"Dear Caesar, don't you understand I'm the actual god of this game?" And he waited till Caesar was near enough to get out of the way, and Caesar ended up running into Giorno, who was sitting on the grass looking at the bugs.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry!" Caesar apologized.

Suddenly, Jotaro walked to Giorno and helped him up. Giorno wasn't crying. He looked frustrated, but I couldn't see any tears.

"Are you ok, Giorno?" I asked him.

"Ye... It was nothing..." He said, rubbing his head.

"Ok... I'm glad. It's getting late, we should get going soon... Say bye to Caesar and Kakyoin kids"

And so, they did. But then I saw a man with long, fluffy blonde hair coming near Kakyoin and Caesar. "There you are! I've been looking for you two!" And then he saw the kids and me. "Oh, hey. I haven't seen you around here before. My name is Robert, though everybody calls me by my surname, Speedwagon. And you are?"

"Oh, I'm (y/n), nice to meet you Speedwagon. Yes, I've arrived... yesterday. Are those your kids?" I said pointing at Caesar and Kakyoin.

"Well, I've been taking care of them. And are those yours?"

"I've been taking care of them too..." He did look like a nice guy "Excuse me... I know this might sound weird, but do you know where I could find a job?"

"Oh, you... don't have any?" He asked. "Well, I know there's a restaurant, Tonio's which currently needs a waiter. I could give you his number if you want"

"Oh that would be great!" I was so happy, who knew finding a job would be this easy?

And so, Speedwagon wrote two numbers a paper block he had and handed them to me.

"See you around, (y/n)!" He smiled and walked away with Caesar and Kakyoin, and so did we.

The walk home was calm. The kids were already tired, so we ate some cheese sandwiches and called it a day.

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