Chapter 6

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And so, there I was. Wondering around the forest, sweaty and nervous. I wanted to shout his name looking for a response, but I knew that if I did that, he would just get away.

What could be happening to that kid? He's only seven... What if a wild animal attacked him? It's not as if he had a superpower to defend himself, like a punching ghost, no, that's fiction. This is real life we're talking about. Jotaro could be in grave danger right now.

Suddenly, I heard a noise. It was water sounds, maybe a waterfall or something.
No, that's not the noise I heard. It was a cry, and it was coming from that place.

"Jotaro!" I shouted, running towards the noise.

And when I got to the waterfalls, I found what was making that noise. There were a bunch of baby otters trapped in a hole under a fallen log of a pine tree, crying for help.

I tried pushing the log, but it was too heavy.

"You're scaring off the other otters" A cold childish voice said.

My heart skipped a beat. My eyes filled up. "Jotar!-"

"Silence, they don't like loud noises" He interrupted me. As I looked at him, he had brought some branches and rocks. He's small, but really strong, for a kid his age.

"So you are worried for those baby otters?" I asked, full of curiosity.

"There was a big storm two days ago, remember? I figured something would had happened because of it, so I wanted to know if the aquatic animals were fine. Those otters survived because their family found a way to get food into the hole. Otters are intelligent and sociable animals. They are very caring about their family."

I stared at him in amazement. How does he know all this stuff? "So, you like water creatures?"

He didn't respond. Instead he started placing the branches under the log, putting stones before them to keep them standing.

"I'll help you get those otters out of there" I mumbled. He stared at me, and I swear I found some amazement in his eyes.

"Tsk, whatever" He then avoided eye contact, sighed and went back to doing what he was doing before.

I then grabbed one of the branches and repeated what Jotaro had done  in the other side of the log.

When everything was ready, I exclaimed "On the count of three, let's pull the branches!"
He looked at me and nodded.
"One... two... three!"

We pulled the branches and the log rolled away. Then we took the baby otters out of the hole, and set them near the other otters.
Their families soon went to greet them

I  observed Jotaro  looking at them and he was... Smiling. It made my heart melt. For once, he was clearly happy.

I reached Jotaro from the back and touched his shoulder. He turned and I said "Alright Jotaro, we should get going"

He followed me back to the forest till we got to the bus station again. There was no sight of the others.

"Maybe... the haven't found Joseph yet" I murmured. Suddenly I felt something tugging my shirt. It was Jotaro. "Yes?" I asked him.

He pointed towards the deep forest, to where smoke was coming out.

We were walking towards the source of the smoke when Jotaro suddenly called me. "(Y/n)?" He asked


"Um... Thanks for helping... Back there." He avoided eye contact.

He almost tripped with a rock, but I caught his hand and prevented the fall. He watched me in awe. He looked confused, yet happy.

"Let's be careful. The forest is dangerous" I warned him, nicely.


I was still holding his hand. Could it be? I figured him out? No, I could never... He started trusting me. He stopped referring me as an intruder.

Smoke was starting to be smelled, which meant we were close.

"(Y/n), there." Jotaro exclaimed. There was a log cab on stilts surrounded by trees.

We climbed the stairs and knocked the door.

"Right up!" A childish rough voice shouted. Soon a kid, about six years old, opened the door. He had some scars around his face, and a smaller version of Josuke's hair. He was wearing a blue sweater with a yellow dollar symbol in the middle; it was too big for his small body, with the sleeves dragging across the floor.
"Good afternoon miss!" He enthusiastically said, smiling "My name is Okuyasu! What can I do for you?"

All of a sudden, I heard someone shout from inside the cab. "(Y/n)!"
Josuke and Giorno went running to me.

"(Y/N), This is Okuyasu! He's my friend from school and he found us when we were lost!" Josuke explained.

"I live with my bro here and we have lots of fun. Now he went to the market so I went exploring and found them wondering around!"

"Well thank you, Okuyasu for taking care of them!" I said with a smile. My eyes then turned to Joseph who was sitting on the couch eating some berries. I glared at him and his eyes widen with guilt.

"Don't worry! Josuke can come play any day! He's always invited!"

Then everybody thanked Okuyasu and waved him goodbye. What a lovely kid that was. I wonder how it would be for him to live so far away from the town. Does he have parents or is it just him and his brother?

As we walked, suddenly Joseph started mocking Jonathan.

"Soooooo~ Jonathino, how was my master plan, huh?" He said, playfully.

"Um..." Jonathan muttered.

"Oh yes you're grounded mister" I interrupted him.

Joseph brought his hands to his face "Oh no!"

When we got to the bus, Jonathan sat next to me. While watching the landscape, he asked me "So... how was it? Any good?"

"Yes, better than ever" I glanced over Jotaro. "Thank you Jonathan, thank you so much"

And we got back home, peacefully.

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