Chapter 12

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Jonathan got the house's keys and I got a jacket for him and one for me and another one for him. The sun was going down and there was not much light in the sky. We took the bus to the pool and...

He was not there. I started freaking out, crying and breathing heavily. Jonathan grabbed my arm.

"Don't worry, (y/n), we will find him" and then he hugged me.

We asked everyone around until someone who works there told us something.

"They took him to the cops and because nobody went to look for him, he's now staying at a lawyer's home for the night"

He's staying with a complete stranger??

"Who??!" I asked, panicking.

"I don't know... go to the police station and find out"

Rude! I glared the man, grabbed Jonathan by his arm and walked away, furious.

"How could he let a little boy go to a stranger's place! And not know who that is! It's common sense!" I shouted.

"Um... (y/n)" Jonathan politely said "I know you're angry, but you're hurting my arm..."

Oh, I wasn't measuring my strength. I leg go of him and fell on my knees.

"I'm so sorry, Jojo... I really am... I'm just really worried..."

Jonathan hugged me and started stoking my hair.

"We will find him!" I looked up to him. He was smiling. How can he always be this optimistic?

Then I remembered. I CAN CALL ABBACCIO. He might know something! He's a police officer!

I stood up and grabbed my phone. I dialed his number.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hi! Leone, this is (y/n)."

"Oh, hi (y/n). What is it?"

"Where did they send Giorno?? Please I'm so worried I need to know now and..."

"Calm down." He interrupted me and I shut up. "I'll send you the address through text"

"If you know Giorno lives with me, why didn't you send him to me?-"

And the minute I said that he interrupted with a "I'm sorry I have to go" and hung up.

I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS GUY! I knew he didn't like specially Giorno, but he should also think of me!

So then I heard a phone notification. It was a text from Abbaccio with the address.

So then Jonathan and I parted to the stranger's house.

"Ha, Pluck Street? Sounds like something from my favorite book!" Jonathan smiled.

We then got to the house. Jonathan ringed the bell and we heard footsteps.

Then, a blonde man opened the door.

Jonathan took a step back, terrorized.

The man looked at him with annoyance, then looked at me.

"Oh, hello, seems like you're the mother of this pest." Giorno peeked from the distance. "My name is Dio, Dio Brando"

Rudeness aside, why does he look so much like Giorno??

"Um, hi I'm (y/n)! Thank you for taking care of Giorno!"

He gave me an indifferent look.

I felt Jonathan hiding behind me. He was shaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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