Chapter 7

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One Saturday I woke up feeling a bit ill. I could already hear the kids making noise around the house, so with some effort, I stood up, put on my slippers and walked to the kitchen.

I could see only Josuke and Joseph had woken up, and they were jumping from couch to couch.

"Good morning kids" I greeted them.

"(Y/n)!" Josuke joyfully shouted, jumped from one couch and landed in my arms. I caught him and hold him tight. Josuke gave me a worried look, and placed a hand on my forehead. "Hey (y/n), why is your skin so warm?"

"Hmm? Oh it's nothing sweetie. My head hurts a bit, that's all"

Josuke fell from my arms and ran to the kitchen. There, he climbed one of the counters, grabbed a cup from the cabinet and filled it with cold water. Then he ran back to me, spilling some drops, and offered the cup with water. "For you"

"Aww... Thanx Josuk..." My head was spinning. I felt my entire body as cold as ice, as if all my blood was sucked out and I collapsed.

Then... The most unexpected thing happened. I was at home. This house. But I couldn't find the kids no matter where I searched. Everything looked blurry. But that was when I found those men. Most of them where huge. Like GIGANTIC. And THICC. All but a gorgeous and elegant blonde boy. They looked at me with nostalgic and caring eyes. They looked... Proud?

"Umm... Hello?" I murmured.

Normal pv

"(Y/n)!!!" Joseph and Josuke yelled. There she was, laying on the floor, panting.

After that Jonathan and the others hurried to the kitchen to see what was all that noise about.

"(Y/n)..." Giorno mumbled.

Josuke explained the others what had happened, and they decided to take her to her bed. Jonathan grabbed her by the waist, Josuke supported the head and Joseph grabbed the legs. Meanwhile, Jotaro prepared the bed while Giorno took the cup of water to the room. Jonathan put his hand on her forehead and nodded.

"She's got fever... Just in case we should call for a doctor!"

As soon as he said that, Josuke ran and handed the phone to Jonathan.

"Hello? Yes, my name is Jonathan, I'm from 274 Stone Free St. ... Yes I'm aware I am a kid... Our... mother is sick... She collapsed and has fever... Thank you so much. Farewell." And he hung up.

"What did they say?" Joseph asked.

"A doctor is coming to check on (y/n)"

They all sighed, and Josuke grabbed (y/n)'s hot hand. Jotaro wetted a towel and placed it on her forehead, Joseph combed her (h/c) hair and Giorno waited patiently by the door for the doctor to arrive.

"He's here! He's here!" Giorno shouted.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. Jonathan opened the door to find a tall man, with a bizarre looking hair, wearing a jacket with three name tags on it. 'Doctor' was written in them. "Good morning sir" Jonathan welcomed the man.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Wu Tomoki. I was told there was a sick patient here?" The man stood into the house.

"Y-yes! Mom has a fever!" Giorno hesitated.

And then they led him to (y/n)'s room, where she was resting. He kneed by the side of her bed and took out a thermometer from his suitcase. Dr. Wu then placed it under (y/n)'s armpit and waited about 5 minutes. When the time was up he took the thermometer and had a look at it.

"Just as I thought... She has 39ºC of fever. I need to inspect further but for that I need her awake, so I'll give her this pill for her fever to go a bit down. Do you have any water here?"

"Yes! Here!" Josuke gave Wu Tomoki the cup of water they had taken to the room. The doctor opened (y/n)'s mouth and inserted the pill and some water, and she swallowed them both.

"Ok, it might take a while to make effect"

"Would you like something to drink, Doctor?" Jonathan asked him.

"Oh yes! I would appreciate it." He answered with a smile. Then they headed to the kitchen and Jonathan gave him a cup with water.

"Will you make (y/n) feel better?" Josuke asked him, worried.

"Definitely. Wu Tomoki does not fail." The doctor said, taking a small sip of water.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Who are you?" I asked. Who were all these (hot) men?

"(Y/n)..." The pompadour one stepped closer, and gave me a warm hug. It made me feel... Loved? I felt like I knew these men. Who were they?
And then the largest of them did the same. It was different though, cause I couldn't breathe for my face was on his massive manboobs. LIKE SERIOUSLY HOW BUFF COULD YOU GET.

Suddenly, everything started to fade away... Every one of them... and then I opened my eyes. Was this all a dream? Was it a mirage?
As I opened my eyes I could see the children and a strange man next to me.

"Wh... What happened?" I muttered. Omg I felt AWFUL.

"Hello miss my name is Dr Wu Tomoki. I'm afraid you are under a fever, and so I wanted to ask you if I could do further tests to see what illness you have"

"Oh... uhh... Yes go ahead."

And then he proceeded. My head hurt and all I wanted to do is to sleep.

"Well... Luckily it's nothing serious. It might be fatigue fever. You just have to keep drinking these pills twice per day and you'll be fine in no time. Try resting as much as you can. Do you want me to call your work to tell them the situation?"

"I would much appreciate, thank you so much!"

The doctor then parted and the kids entered my room.

"This is... This is all our fault... If we behaved better maybe (y/n) wouldn't had had the fever" Josuke sighed, looking down.

"Oh no sweetie, it's not your fault..."

"(Y/n)! We promise we'll behave better!" Joseph cried. "And we'll take care of you till you feel better!"

I looked at them proudly. I couldn't believe they would had done all this stuff for me. They are so kind...

Thank you @Ashiaki0 for this great idea!
I appreciate every idea you guys give.
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Hope you have a great day and hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!
Till next time.

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