Chapter 3

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"(Y/N)?" I could hear a voice say. I was trying to sleep, why would anyone interrupt me?

I groaned and said "What?"

"I... Um... Can't sleep" I open my eyes to see Giorno standing at the door of my room.

"Well, err... Why don't you come tell me why not?" I make some room in my bed for the small child.

"I had a nightmare" He said a bit sad. "Where I had an arrow and stuck it to myself"

I observed curiously as the kid told me his. "And why would you stuck an arrow to yourself?"

"I don't know... I was fighting someone in the dream..." He said. "Can I stay here with you, (Y/N)?"

"Sure Giorno" And so the blonde kid curled up and covered himself with the sheets.

"Good night (Y/N), and thanks for being my mom" He said and then I noticed he closed his eyes, and I started to stroke his long, blonde hair.

I woke up the next day to the sound of something breaking, yelling and shouting.

"Joseph you're an idiot" one voice said.


"Hey guys calm down"

As I walked to the living room, all I could see were tiny pieces of porcelain scattered around, like, EVERYWHERE; And Joseph and Jotaro glaring each other.

"What happened here?" I asked.

"Joseph broke the jar" Josuke explained.

"Oh- thanks Josuke!" Joseph sarcastically responded.

How am I going to clean all of this?

"I know, to make it fair, Joseph, you should help picking every single piece of the broken jar" Jonathan suggested.

"Wha-!?" Joseph looked like he didn't like this. "All of them??"

"Duh" Jotaro added.

"Oh no!" He yelled, with his hands on his cheeks.

"I could help you" I said. Joseph then looked at me.

"You really would?"

"Yeah!" I smiled at him. "Put on some gloves or grab a rag, so you don't get cut by the pieces"

"Ok" He responded, ran to his room and came back with a pair of giant leather gloves.

"Wha- Where did you get those?!" Those gloves were pretty fashionable, but MASIVE. Seriously, what type of giant person would fit their hands on those?

"They were in my room when we arrived, and so was a really cool scarf!" He returned to his room and came back with a long, green and yellow scarf. "You know what? From now on I'm gonna wear this scarf everywhere"

So Joseph sort of put on the gloves and started picking the broken pieces of the jar, and so did I. We were leaving them in a plastic bag.

"So, Joseph, what do you think of the other kids?" I looked at the brunette boy.

"Oh, well... I kinda feel like familiar with them, like I met them before... Specially Josuke. Maybe we are brothers but we don't know that because we don't remember anything"

"Maybe you are brothers after all" I repeated.

"Yeah, that would be awesome, being the second big brother!"

I laughed at that and continued picking the pieces.

"What about you, (Y/N)? Do you feel familiar to us?" He suddenly asked.

"Umm... I don't think I had ever seen you guys in my life... I really feel this way. I don't think we're related"

"Oh, well that's uncool" He said, disappointed "Cause imagine if we all appeared here but actually we are all family? That would be awesome"

And after some minutes, we finished picking the pieces and I threw the bag with the pieces in the trash. I wiped the sweat from my head and sighed "phew, at last, we did it!"

"Yeah!" Joseph smiled. "SEE, JOTARO? I'M NOT USELESS!" He shouted at Jotaro who was sitting on the couch drinking some water.

"You're still an idiot, you know..." Jotaro said.

"Jotaro! Don't say such things of Joseph!" I scold him.

"Good grief..." He sighed and left the room.

"What is up with him?" Joseph said to himself.

Maybe... Maybe he has some problems he's dealing with on his own... But what kind of problems would a 7 year old have?
I sighed and looked at the rest of the kids. Josuke was lying on the carpet, flat on his back, singing some kind of song. Giorno was just looking at the window, and Jonathan was reading a book. Damn, this kids looked so bored.

"Hey kids!" I said "Do you guys want to go for a walk? Maybe we can go to the park on the way and so I can get familiar with the place"

The children looked at me, overjoyed.

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