Chapter 10

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So a month has passed since Halloween and Giorno has become great friends with Bruno's kids. Meanwhile, I've met with him and Leone some days to have a drink, and they're great people.

So now we're chilling at home, the younger kids playing, Jotaro in his room and Jonathan reading. But... where is Joseph?

I stood up from the couch and started looking for him. I walked through the kitchen but there was no sight of him. I went to the left corridor and started looking room to room. Jonathan's, Josuke's, his own room, even the bathroom, but he left no trace.

I then walked to the other corridor, and did the same. Jotaro's room, Giorno's, and lastly, my room. And there he was.

"(Y/n)!!!!!!!" He euphorically shouted. "What is this numbeeer?~" He smirked and handed to me a paper with a number.

It was one of the papers Speedwagon had handed to me. It wasn't Tonio's number. Then... what would it be? Could it be...

"So," he looked at his own nails, smiling "who is this guy?"

I accidentally blushed a bit. Speedwagon left me his number??!

"Sooo... are you going on a date with him or what?"

What should I answer? I don't even know myself! He seemed nice, and his kids are friends with mine... I guess it wouldn't hurt. Yeah, why not?

"OH! You are?!!!" He shouted.

Suddenly, Jonathan and Josuke arrived at the room.

"What is going on?" Jonathan asked.

"MOM IS GOING ON A DATE!!" Joseph shrieked.

"Wh-what?" Jonathan blushed.

"Is that so?!!" Josuke asked curiously.

Oh god. What am I gonna do?

"Call him! Now! You should have a date tonight!" Joseph said.



Joseph went running to the living room and came back with a phone on hand. "NOW!!"

I grabbed the phone and looked at the number. Should I or should I not?
I dialed and someone answered.

"Hello, it's (y/n) calling"

"Oh hello (y/n)! Long time no see!" Speedwagon greeted through the phone.

"Yeah, it's been a long time" I looked at the kids who were giving me thumbs up with a grin. "Hey I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner today..."

"That would be splendid!" Speedwagon
"Let's go to La Squadra restaurant! The kids love it!" Are all the restaurants in this town italian?

Oh. So we're bringing our kids? It seems like he didn't get the hint. Well, we can start from somewhere.
"S-sure! We'll be there at 8pm"
The face I was making worried the kids who were all sitting attentively on my bed.

"Great! We'll see you there" and he hung up.

Then I stared at the kids. They looked steadily at me.

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