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It's been a week since I said yes to Jackson Miller, my soon to be husband. Well, today I got to wake up early because Jack is sending his driver, Oliver, to come and get me.

"Are you sure about this?" Lanai says as she helps me pack my stuff and put it in my black suitcase.
"I am and plus I'm doing it for my parents remember. I'm doing it for a good cause." I say trying to put a fake smile on my face.

"Come on, don't leave me I mean who will be my new buddy to go to bars with?" She says as she starts to unpack my clothes
"Stop" I slap her hand.
Lanai is my cousin, she's the same age as me and we've been best friends ever since. She's my go to, and I love her so much.
"Okay fine, I'm gonna go downstairs and wait and see if the driver is here" she leaves the room as I look around my room. I can't believe that I agreed to put myself into this but it is what it is right?


"Morgan he's here" she yelled as I bring my suitcase downstairs with me.
"Hi, you must be Jack's driver... Oliver right" I said trying to remember his name. I also see that Lanai is turning red and I just stand there and let out a low laugh.
"Whenever you're ready Ma'am," Oliver said as he just stands there.
"Please call me Morgan" I turn to face Lanai and we hugged as I said my goodbyes to her.

When I got to Jack's house he wasn't there. Oliver said it's because he was in a meeting and might come home late and that I should make myself at home. He then showed me my room and let me know that Jackson's room is two doors down from mine.

"Do you need anything, ma'am?" Oliver asks as he stands by the door.
"No I'm good, .... and thank you for showing me my room" I turn around trying to take a good look at my room. It's big and white and everything is just perfect. I turned around but Oliver was already gone, so I sat on the bed and turned on the tv so I can watch some tv drama but instead, the news was on and there I was on TV.

How did they even know I was gonna be here?!  The women on the news starts talking 'Is this the girl that Jackson Miller was talking about or is she just his side girl?'
What?! How could they could even think I was dating him? Jackson and I need to talk about this.   

~~~~~~~ 9:45 pm
I was already in bed when I heard the door open. I went downstairs to see if it was Jackson an it was. He looks tired and pissed but we're going to have this conversation anyway.

I started walking downstairs but when I got to the end, I found myself just standing there, watching him take off his tie. Wow how can he be this handsome! He almost made me not want to disrupt him right now, seeing how our conversation would turn into a argument.

"We need to talk" I said trying not to look at him so much
"About?" his voices comes out rough
"What the hell was that on the news," I said
He sighs "Look I don't have time to talk about some bullshit that was on the news, I have a company to run" he looks pissed but I want my answers and I wouldn't stop until he gives it to me.
"What do you mean bullshit? Look I just want to know how the hell does the media know that I was coming here to this house... I mean did you tell them before I even knew about this whole thing? About this whole marriage?"

"What if I did, what difference does it make?"        Unbelievable,He's really starting to piss me off
"You know what I'm..... I'm out of here" I said. I got up and went for the door but he grabbed my arm and looked me in the eyes.

"If you walk out that door, the deal with your father and I is gone, now think about that for a second... picture this, the failure of the Leland Company... Now that is something I'd love to see" As he finished talking, I felt sick to my stomach. Especially since he said it as if the downfall of my families company was a joke.

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