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The whole drive back home, the car ride was so quiet that I didn't even realize that we arrived home. "We're here." I heard as he came around and opened my door. He picked me up and carried me inside to our room.
"I'll get going." He said as he turned to leave. "Don't." I said. "Don't go, you can sleep here if you want." Without changing into anything else, he got in the bed and we just cuddled.
Really Morgan?
When I woke up he was gone. I mean I didn't expect more coming from him after what happened. I took my phone to see calls and texts from Lanai, Gray, and either my parents. I didn't feel like talking to any of them. So I booked a flight to California,
where everything was fine. I didn't want answers to my question. All I needed was to get away a little bit. California was the town for my perfect get away.

Really? Now you want to get away? Classic Morgan Alexia LaLand.
I got out of bed and took a real cold shower.

I didn't want to know anything about my biological parents or why they gave me up.
I'm too broken for any of this.
After I was finished, I head downstairs and head to the kitchen but stop when I hear a knock at the door.
At first I didn't want to answer the door but it kept on knocking.
"What?" I said as I opened the damn door.
"What do you want kid?" It was a kid in the neighborhood with flowers and candies.
"A man told me to give you this." He hands the flowers and a box of candies.
What are you going to do?
I thought about who could be sending me flowers and candies at this time because right now, I didn't feel like taking it.
"Did the person who gave this to you tell you their name?"
"No ma'am." He replied
"Fine, well then go and give this back to whoever sent you here and tell them I don't want it. Now go."
"But ma'am." I gave him the death look.
"Look kid I'm really pissed off right now to want a box of candies and flowers so take it back. Got it? Good,  now go." I step back to let the door slam as I turn away.

I didn't feel like eating, or doing anything else. I turned the news on to see that my face is on every news channel.
Great just what I needed. I didn't turn it off though. Instead I wanted to know what they were saying, so I listened. 'It turns out Morgan LaLand's parents aren't her biological parents, and no one has seen her since.'
I felt pissed off, can't they respect my privacy? I hate reporters.

Hours pass and It was around 8:57 pm when I hear another knock on the door.
"Leave me alone." I shouted.
I've been drinking and now I'm on my last bottle of wine, and whiskey. Next I'm onto beer.
The knocks kept on going and that drove me more and more crazy, so I went to answer it.
It was an middle aged women with dark brown hair and dark eyes.

"Can I-I- I help you?" I asked her. But she just stood there staring at me, until she began to cry, for a minute I felt bad for her.
"Are you okay ma'am?"
She put her hand on my check and said, "I have been waiting for so long."
For so long? So long for what?
"Ma'am are you sure you're okay? So long for what?"
"To call you my baby again." I froze. What did she just say. To call me baby again?
"Baby? What are you talking about?"
"I'm your biological mom, I'm the one who gave you away..... I'm soo so sorry honey. I miss you Coco."
Coco.... that name was the one name I remembered perfectly right after the accident but I just didn't know where or how I knew that name.
She tried to hug me but I pulled myself away from her. "Baby please, please coco."
"Go to hell."
I am broken.
I slam the door behind me as I turn away. I cried for the rest of the night.

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