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Oh god, I mean It's not like he's not cute but I just can't. Not now.

"I'm sorry Jackson... Maybe this should end here"
Why Morgan? Why?
"Yeah you're right, this should end here" He said with disappointment laced in his voice. I felt bad hearing that in his voice, I was even about to take it back but then I reminded myself that I don't really know him that well so I can't just go sleep with him and try a relationship.

Did I do the right thing?
I went up to my room and he went to his.
Just two doors away, maybe it's not too late.
No I can't, I said what I said. I made my decision.

I changed into my PJs and took out my phone to FaceTime Lanai and for the first time she actually picked up on the first ring.

"So how's my favorite cousin doing?" She says happily and that's either because she slept with someone or didn't have anyone to talk to.

"Well you're happy, I wonder why" I said as I make fun of her.
"So you're telling me that I can't be happy?" She smiles
"What I'm just saying "
"Well let's just say that I'm seeing someone..." she says as she smiles. "Okay now tell me why you look happy but kinda stressed at the same time, what happened?" why does she know me so well?
"Nothing it's just that... Jack and I went on a date and." I say as she cuts me off
"Please tell me that this story ends with you two having sex"
"Well.... as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, we went on a date and everything was good. We told each other things that no one knows about us and when the date was over, we went home and he told me that he likes me."

"Well... what did you say?"" She aks
"I told him that I thought the night should end there." I say sheepishly
Lanai sighs
" Whyy, if this is about Max, forget him. Max is in the past, you have to move on." she says

"I know it's just that, I'm afraid that-"

" Jackson will be just like Max. Max was this asshole who didn't know how to treat you right, but Jackson is different. He's cute, nice and despite being a billionaire and having the most richest company in the world, he's not egotistical and he knows how to treat you right." "Plus you need to get laid sooo,"she says laughing
"Shut up you moron" I laugh too.
" Well, I'm serious when I say you need to give him a chance then have sex with him." She says
"You are really dirty" I say
"What can I say, one of us needed to be the dirty one here"
"Okay well it's getting late and tomorrow we have a shooting with a magazine for me and Jackson, so I need to get my sleep on for tomorrow, so bye" I say ready to hang up
"What about a thank you" She says
"For" I say.
"You know what, this is why I don't help people" she says
"Okay okay thanks for the help, now bye"
"Thank you. Okay bye love you"
"Love you too"

We got off FaceTime and I tried so hard to go to sleep but I couldn't. I looked at my clock, saw it was 9:57 pm and sighed.

10:34 pm and still no sleep. So I went to Jackson's room and knocked on the door.
               Hopefully he's up
He opens the door and he's shirtless.
"Hey... I-I-i couldn't sleep and I was wondering if you were up so I can come in and hoped that you could keep me company until I fall asleep." I say hoping I can come in his room even though we had rules.
"Did you forget the rules?" he asks
"No it's just that I'm not able to sleep and that... (sigh) you know what I'm sorry I'll just go and try to get some sleep" I say as I try to turn around to go to my room. He grabs my hand.

"You know what.. you can come in." he says as he opens the door wider. I raise my eyebrows and step inside.
We hoped on the bed and he laid on the right side of the bed and I laid on the left side of the bed.

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