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What is he talking about? What secret?

"What—What secret are you talking about?" I ask as I sit down next to him.
"Well, when I was a little boy, um around six years old, my parents didn't have a lot of money and they were in debt with some people. So they went to work for a rich women who had this big house and everything was going fine until one day." He stops talking for like two minutes.

"What happened?" I ask. My anger subsiding. Now I want to see what he has to say.
"Everything was fine and she was so nice to my family. Until one night, she wanted me to come over to her house, she told my parents it was because she was gonna help me with some school work. But when they left she-she"
"Hey it's okay, you don't have to tell me if it's to hard to say or-" I say as he cuts me off before I can finish talking.

"If we're gonna get married I need you to know everything that goes on with me an my past." he says as his hand makes his way to my hands.

"What happened next?" I ask
"She has this room where no one was allowed to go in and that night she took me there. She said that she didn't want me to be all alone" he stops and looks at me.
"When we were in the room. She started to touching me weirdly, you know like.... she would talk to me in a sexual way... and I didn't know what was happening , until she told me to take my clothes off.

"Oh my god" my voice comes out soft and quiet.
"She said if I did things with her, she could help my family get out of debt and I could go to Yale and make my dreams come true. Little did I know she would make me do it every night." I can hear it in his voice, him not trying not to cry, while I'm over here crying for him.
He looks at me and wipes the tears off  from my face.

"Beautiful girls don't cry" he says as he gets up and moves to the window and face it.
"You shouldn't have gone through this all by yourself you know. I mean you should've told someone"
"If I did she wouldn't have helped my parents, and they really needed the money."
"Who is she?" I ask.
"Why do you want to know?"
"Because (I go up to him and I put my hands around him) you told me about what happened to you, now I should at least know the name of the person who did this." said.

"Her name is Addison, Addison Adams." He says
"Why does that name sound familiar?" I says.
"Here" He says as he hands me a photo of a women.
"Wait this Addison? What?...... I mean I saw the way she's with younger guys but this-this is too far. We need to tell the cops" I say
"No, no one can know about this" he says.
"But-but what she did, it's messed up." I say trying to get him to reason with me.
"No Morgan, look I told you this because I was fucked up this morning and Lucy came here, then......." I cut him off before he can finish.

"Wait Lucy was here?"
"Yeah she wanted to talk about how she wants us back together " he says
"What did you say?"
"You really think I would say yes that easily morg?"
"I don't know, I mean you guys were together for six years soooo...."
"Yea well things didn't work out" He said
"What happened?" I actually wanted to know now. All he's ever said to me was that he broke up with her.
" I found her in bed with my childhood best friend, Chance." He said with no emotion as if to not bring up his past feelings.
"Damn, that must've sucked, I mean she said that you broke things off but now this-this is another thing"

At this point I realized that he moved closer to me. Our noses just inches away from each other.

Is he gonna kiss me? Why now?
"Well in every story you need to hear both sides"
Oh god
"What's wrong, Morg?"
His lips
" Nothing"
"Than why can't you look me in the eyes?"
Now he should know the answer to that, he just teasing me now.
He cuts me off before I can even finish my words and kisses me.

I'm kissing Jackson Miller

"I know you want me, Morgan"
I do so badly but when I'm about to tell him that, he stops.
"Why'd you stop?" I ask confused
"I just can't" * coughs* "But you never told me what you wanted to talk about."
Wtf, why'd he just change the subject like that?

"I need your help with something" I say
"I think I might be adopted"
He looks at me like I just said some joke.
"What makes you say that?"
"I over heard my parents the other day, when I went to visit them, talking about how they adopted a kid."
" And you think it's you?"
"Well I'm the only one that looks different out of my whole family, so if anybody was adopted, it would be me. The thing is, I don't know if I should confront them about it so I want to find out for myself. Will you help me?"
"Okay fine"
"Thank you! Now I think we should work on what year they adopted the kid, who the baby was and why they chose to adopt."
"Are you sure that you want to know if your adopted? I mean, they can find things that you might not like."
"I know but for once, I'll finally have a reason as to why I've looked different my whole life. I mean, if I'm the adopted kid then I want to know why my biological parents gave me away."
Jackson sighs. "Fine I'll help. Can we go to bed now?"

"Yeah and thanks for telling me about Addison and being willing to help me."
"No problem." He said. Then we made our way upstairs and to our rooms.

Will Morgan get the answer that she wants or will things get pretty bad for her?

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