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Lucy's Pov.

Two months before.

"So did you get it?" I ask impatiently.
"Lucy, tell me what you need the drugs for?"
"Max honey bun, I hate when you ask questions, but fine, I'll tell you. I need it because I'm gonna put it in Jack's drink when I go see him."
"You think that breaking them up will bring him back to you? What about us?"

"Max...... there was never an 'us', we took advantage of each other. This-this was just sex and nothing else."
"So what's your plan?"
"Now that's more like it."  I say getting ready to tell him my plan.

We spend the whole day planning out what I'll do and what role he will play in all of this. I couldn't wait to see Jackson again.
A Few days later

I woke up from hearing my phone ring, so I looked at the caller id and see that it's Max. This better be good.
"There better be a good example as to why you're calling me at this time of the hour."

"They got engaged." I was so sleepy that I feel like I didn't hear what he said clearly.
"Who got engaged?" I asked.
"Jackson and Morgan." I felt like my whole world came crashing down as I heard what he said.
"Well that means we'll have to move our plan forward. I'm taking the next plane to New York in the morning and when I land I'll be in Nashville."

"You really think that this-this is gonna work?"
"Who do you think I am? I'm Lucy, the queen of chaos and destruction, of course it will work. Now I have to go and get a few more hours of sleep before my perfect breakdown."

I slept the whole time we were in the air.
"Ma'am ma'am we're here." Says the flight attendant. I opened my eyes.
"What time is it?" I asked her.
"It's 7:08 pm ma'am." That was the perfect timing, now all I have to do is get there and have my baby all to myself again.

I knocked on the door and a couple minutes later, he answers it with a surprised look on his face.
"Hello Jack" I said with a wonderful smile on my face.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"Is that the way to talk to your ex? Aren't you going to invite me in?" He steps aside and let's me in. Big mistake.

"Really Lucy What are you doing here?"
"I just came here to see how my new favorite couple is doing. We should have a drink don't you think?"
I go to where all the whiskeys and other drinks are and put the sleeping pill in his cup before pouring the whiskey and shaking it slightly.

I hand him the cup of whiskey but he doesn't take it.
"Come on Jack, drink with me." I say as he finally takes the cup from my hand.
"So how's life, most importantly how's your soon to be wife?" I hated saying it, but I had to act nice. He drank the whiskey.
"Everything is fine, now can you go?"
"Oh come on Jack, I just got here. How about we just talk and have fun?" I got closer to him and started to touch his face as I kiss him. "What the hell are you doing?" He says pushing me aside.
"What? Jackson I miss you already.  I know that I made a mistake okay but no one is perfect."

He looks at me in disbelief . I knew what that face meant.
"I love you and I'm sorry." I said.
"Don't you think it's a little late for that." He says.
"No not really." He gets up and I can tell that he still doesn't believe it. I try to get close to him again but he moves away from me.
"So you're telling me that you don't feel anything for me." The room goes quite.
"Oh come on. We've been together for what, 6 years? And now you don't feel nothing?"

"I do still feel something for you, but you don't want to know what it is." He says sitting on the other end of the chair.
"Tell me. I want to know." I said.

"I'm not gonna say that I hate you, because I don't and I'm not gonna say that I love or like you either, because I don't feel shit for you. I just feel...... like..... I don't know like...... I never felt anything for you Lucy. You wanted to know what I felt. Nothing that's what I felt. I only did it for....." he stops.
"For what?" I asked.

"For my career, I mean I had to. I used you. For freaking fame. That's it. I mean you're beautiful but nothing you say will change how I felt and how you cheated on me with Chance." He couldn't even look at me as he turned around, so I grab the first thing I see, which was a vase on the table and I take it and hit him with it on the back of his head.

My plan needed to work. We're both cheaters.

I get him on the bed, take off his clothes and place him next to me. Now we only had to wait for Morgan to get here.

A couple hours later, I hear the front door open, that had to be her. So I get on top of Jackson and make it look like we're having sex. That actually woke him up but he still didn't know it wasn't his sweet Morgan.

So when Morgan entered the room she was mad as hell.  I got out of there just happy that it worked.

"It worked." I said talking to Max on the phone.
"Are you sure she's gonna leave him now?" He asks.
"If she does then good." I said. We talked about what could happen and now we just have to wait and see.

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