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I knocked on the door as hard as I could until he answered.
"Morgan?"  He says looking confused. He also looks sleepy but I mean it is 12 am.
"We need to talk." I say pushing him aside as I step into his apartment.
"At this hour?"
"Do you have a better time?"
"....No but I guess Lanai told you I called, that I wanted to talk to you."

"Tell me Max, why did we break up?" I say cutting straight to the point.
"Because I was a jerk and I missed up."
He says stepping closer to me.
"That's all you got?.... Really?... I mean you broke things off with me over text, I mean who does that?!"
"Look I messed up... baby just listen to me. Okay I just want us to start over again and put all of this behind us. I know it's not gonna be easy but we can try, just like old times."
He is really delusional
" I loved you.. I really did, but when you broke up with me, you made it seem as if I was the reason why we broke up but honestly it was you and damn you Max..." At this point I'm crying. "You can't do that to someone and then act as if nothing happened because right now I'm with someone else. So what am I supposed to do? Just break up with him because you have a change of heart!"

" I know I messed up but really, I changed and I changed for the better. Baby listen-"
"Don't you baby me. You fucked up. And now I'm with somebody else so I don't want anything to do with you. Stop trying to talk to me, stop trying to call me or my friends and family to get in touch with me.We're over, I'm done."

As I was walking to the door, He grabs my hand and turns me around to kiss me.

I didn't feel anything. I mean I didn't feel the same thing I felt when we used to kiss. And even though I'm mad at Jackson right now, I didn't feel the rush when kissing Max, like feel when I kiss Jackson.

I pushed him away from me and I slapped him.
"You don't get the right to do that anymore."
"Look I messed up and I'm truly sorry."
"Sorry isn't gonna change things between me and you. And no I'm sorry, I'm sorry for coming here and reliving all of this. Once again, don't call me or look for me because there's nothing to talk about. We're done here Maxwell."

I left his apartment and got in my car. I just felt like crying. I didn't feel like sleeping in the same house as Jackson so I decided to go to a bar and drink all my problems away.

It was 3 am when I finally decided to go to one of my old places and sleep there for the night.

In the morning.
I wake up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. I didn't feel like getting up to get it though, I wanted to go back to sleep.

"Go away!" I yelled.
Then the knocking stopped.

When I finally got up, it was around 10 am. I had the worst hangover of all time. When I looked at my phone I saw 20 messages from Lanai and Jackson wanting to know where I was. I looked at the message and left them on read.

I got up and went to take a shower. When I got out, I was getting dressed when I heard the front door open.
I walk out of my room and head downstairs

"Look, if you're here looking for money, I'll tell you now I ain't got none." I say lazily, not really caring if someone tried to rob the place because theirs nothing here of value.

I walk in the kitchen and stop in my tracks when I see Jackson there making what I think is breakfast.

"What the hell are you doing here and how did you get in?" I say confused
"Well good morning to you too, Lanai gave me the keys."     
That girl!
"I'm gonna kill her."
"She said the same thing when she gave me the key."
Of course she did
"Well it's true and I will but why are you here?"
"Because you were mad at me last night and I needed to make it right. I know, last night, I was a jerk and you deserve better then that. I'm sorry."

" Yeah whatever." I say sitting down as he sets a plate of food in front of me.
"You didn't have to come here you know."
"But I needed to."
"You were right."
"About me thinking that every girl out there is just like Lucy."
I just looked at him because I didn't have a reply to that.
"Look, let me make it up to you. How about we go to Nashville today. What do you say?"
"Why should I go?"
"Let's just say if you go with me today, we will get a chance to know each other better. I heard the you're from there and my family lives there."

"Fine, I'll go but first, don't you want to know where I went yesterday?"
"No, I don't want to know."
"Well I'm gonna tell you anyway. Last night I went to my ex's apartment."

I just want to make him mad and see how he'll react.

"And he kissed me, and it felt good." I say, the lie slipping easily out my mouth. But I didn't realize how close I was to his face in the process of talking.
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because I broke two of your rules. No kissing other people and no getting drunk."
"I guess we both broke the no drinking one. But no one is allowed to be kissing you other than me."

He grabs l me and tried to kiss me. I push him away.
"No" I say,  still a little mad about what he said.
"Why not?"
"Because I don't feel like it and If we're going to Nashville, I need to pack."

I turned around and went to my room. Leaving him just standing there, wanting more.

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