"Why the fuck would you want to sit with us?", Pete questioned, arching his brow. "To get closer to Mikes, huh?"
"Pete, stop it", Josh said, stepping in from behind Tyler. "I don't want to have to choose between my friends."
"Fine, whatever", Pete huffed. "As long as he stays far away from Mikey."
"What if I want to be his friend?", Mikey quietly asked, and Pete frowned a bit, most likely from sadness, but then again it could've just been him getting annoyed.
"Then you'll have to be his friend, I guess."
Mikey nodded in response, smiling a bit at his boyfriend. Pete smiled back and Josh decided to take the empty seat across from Brendon. Tyler quietly sat beside Josh, moving his chair just a bit closer to him.
"So, what's up?", Josh asked his friends. Brendon started jumping up and down, not able to talk yet since his mouth was full of food. Josh laughed at the sight. "Take your time dude."
"So there's this one new kid, Ryan", Brendon excitedly started, but Josh wasn't sure if he should listen or not because just a week ago Brendon had talked about some Dallon guy. "He's pretty damn fine, y'know."
"Yeah, but what about Dallon?", Pete interrupted, and Brendon shook his head in disbelief. "What?"
"I obviously meant for Josh", Brendon explained, and caused Josh to look at him surprised. Tyler felt a pang in his chest and closed his eyes for a moment, scared for what Josh was going to say.
"Oh, actually", Josh started, and all the guys in the table looked at him with interest. "I like someone."
"What?!", Brendon asked in disbelief. "Who? How? You?"
"Isn't it obvious, Brendon?", Mikey said from beside Pete. Tyler watched as Brendon and the others turned to look at Mikey, expecting him to continue, but he just shut his mouth and shrugged.
"C'mon, Mikes, who is it?", Brendon whined, but Mikey stayed quiet. "I'll tell Gerard to wake you up every night at three am by pouring a glass of ice-cold water on your balls if you don't tell me."
Everyone laughed at the statement, Tyler wondering who the hell was everyone. He did know Gerard since he had been together with Mikey for a few weeks, but everyone else in the table was a mystery. And Gerard wasn't even there.
"It's probably Tyler", Mikey quietly said, pointing at Josh and Tyler sitting on the other side of the table. "I mean, just look at the two."
"Oh?", Brendon asked Josh, wiggling his eyebrows at him. Tyler watched as Josh started blushing and eventually hid his face in his hands. "So it is?"
Josh nodded in defeat, and Brendon started cheering quite loudly. A few people turned to look at him, but he just flipped them off and continued.
"It's Tyler?", Pete asked, sounding genuinely surprised. Josh nodded and Tyler smiled a bit, not sure what to do. He glanced at Josh, who just shrugged at him. "Oh.."
"Are you sad?", Brendon asked, poking Pete's stomach. "Aww, Petey is sad."
"I'm not sad", Pete huffed, rolling his eyes. A silence fell over the table for a couple of minutes before Mikey broke it by sighing and shaking his head his head slightly, and the boy sitting across from him turned to look at Josh and Tyler.
"So, you're the infamous Tyler Joseph, huh?", the boy asked, slightly smirking. Tyler nodded and gave the boy a questioning look, while Josh gave the boy a warning look. The boy shrugged and held out his hand. "Frank Iero, nice to meet you."
"T-Tyler", Tyler managed to stutter, getting nervous. He shook Frank's hand and then turned to look down at his uneaten taco sitting on the tray. Josh shook his head beside him, worried of Pete's reaction before. Was he upset of him liking Tyler..?
"Oh, yeah", Josh suddenly realized, and everyone turned to look at him. "Introduce yourselves properly."
"Well, as you know, I'm Pete", Pete said giving Tyler a short look before focusing on his food again.
"I'm Brendon. I might be high", Brendon chuckled childishly, and Josh shook his head. "It's true, Dun."
"Whatever", Josh sighed and looked at the guy sitting beside Brendon. "C'mon."
"I-I'm Patrick", the boy mumbled and fiddled with his shirt. Josh gave him an encouraging smile before turning back to Tyler.
"Andy, Joe and Ray are not here right now", Josh said, to which Tyler responded to by nodding. "Everyone has to be nice to Tyler."
"Are you his personal guard or something?", Brendon teased, and Josh huffed. "Hey, no need to get mad. Anyways, I'm off to plan ways to get Dallon to go on a date with me."
"You might wanna take the rest of the year off", Pete retorted as Brendon was getting up from his chair. Josh snorted and Brendon gave him a warning look, then grabbed his tray off the table and left. "Why's he so sensitive?"
"I don't know", Mikey shrugged. "We should get going, Pete."
"Oops, yeah", Pete replied, glancing at the clock on the wall behind him. He stood up, and Mikey did too. He smiled at everyone in the table. "See you later, losers."
Frank laughed and nodded, and so did Josh. Tyler watched awkwardly as the couple left, and then as Patrick silently got up and left too.
"Are you two together?", Frank blurted out, and Tyler felt his heartbeat getting faster. Josh looked back and forth between the two guys and shrugged after a while. "You don't know?"
"Yeah, I-I, it's j-just..u-uh..", Josh mumbled, blushing. Tyler looked at him and couldn't help but smile a bit at the sight. He then turned to look at Frank and spoke quickly before Josh could stop him.
"Well, he did suggest posing nude for me in arts", Tyler shrugged, and Frank looked surprised. Josh hid his face with his hands. "You alright, Joshy?"
"N-no, y-yes, I-I.."
"You seriously did that?", Frank asked with disbelief clear in his voice. Josh nodded in defeat, signalling he had. "Wow."
"I know", Tyler smirked a bit, and Frank shook his head. "But I don't know, should we be dating?"
Frank chuckled and Tyler smiled at him. Josh was still embarrassed and hiding his face when Tyler turned back to look at him. "C'mon Josh, I'm just playing."
"Y-yeah, I k-know."
"Hey, Joseph?", Frank asked, and Tyler turned to look at him with a questioning look on his face. "Friends?"
"Yeah, sure", Tyler nodded, and Frank gave him a smile before getting up and leaving with his tray, leaving Tyler alone with the blushing boy beside him. Josh looked up at Tyler who grinned at him playfully. "You okay?"
"I'm f-fine", Josh nervously said, nodding a bit to assure Tyler he was honest. "Just s-slightly e-embarrassed.."
"I'm sorry", Tyler quietly said fiddling with his thumbs. "I shouldn't have."
"It's okay, it was just Frank", Josh said, nudging Tyler a bit. "We joke around all the time. But we should get going, we don't wanna be late."
"Yeah", Tyler nodded and took the tray the two had shared. He looked down at the uneaten taco, but since Josh hadn't seemed to realize it, he just let it be there. He walked over to the recycling bins in the far end of the room and dumped everything into the biowaste before setting the tray on top of the huge pile on the counter, Josh trailing behind him the whole time. After he was done he turned to the boy and smiled at him, holding out his hand. Josh smiled back and slid his hand in Tyler's happily.

come back // joshler
Fanfictiontyler is done. he's hurt, broken, and needs someone to help. // josh regrets his decisions, but he doesn't think there was a better way. // trigger warning for self-harm and suicidal thoughts, so be careful!